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Thursday, April 30, 2009


Hi Friends!

Last night we did make it to Baskin-Robbins. They were having 31 cent scoop night and donating the proceeds to the Fire Department. You could get up to 3 scoops per person, and it was quite a deal. I think we ended up with 13 scoops (for the 6 of us including Alice!) for less than $5. Of course, we tipped the Fire Department as well. After that we went to Del Taco for dinner. A little backwards, I know -- doing dessert first, but the kids enjoyed the change of routine!

Today after homeschooling, we went to recycle. We've been trying to recycle for weeks, but every time we go, the recycling center has been closed or broken-down. So, it was good to get it done finally! We made over $20 (bags and bags of recyclables!), and we stopped at Little Caesar's for lunch. We bought a lot of pizza so that there would be enough for dinner tonight, too.

Again, we needed to pick up Cam at 1:05, and then Molly at 3:00 from school today. The two of them had dental appointments at 3:15, so Nate and Isaac went over to play with Judi's kids. The dentist seemed to take forever, and it made me very sleepy to just sit and wait. We got home around 5 p.m., and I did some work outside. Hopefully, I didn't get too much sun! Right now the kids have finished dinner, and they are starting their bedtime routines. I need to do some cleaning up in the kitchen, living room, and family room tonight. Bill was supposed to be arriving home at 10:30, but his flight was delayed. He won't be getting into LAX until 11:45, and then he'll have to drive home. So, he won't be home until late. But I'll be glad to see him -- I never sleep well when he's gone!

More tomorrow...

Much Love,

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