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Monday, April 20, 2009


Hi Friends!

I'm up early this morning. It was Cameron and Molly's first day back at school after Spring Break. So, we were up at 6:45, and it was difficult for everybody. I had a hard time going to sleep last night, but I'm resisting the urge to go back to sleep. I need to get back onto our normal schedule. Bill is off to the cardiologist. So, hopefully -- that will go well today. Nate and Isaac are still asleep even though they went to bed at 8:30 p.m. last night. I guess they're still recovering from vacation!

I was thinking last night about getting back to "life as usual" and found myself a bit stressed out about all there is to do. But it came to me -- God gives me EXACTLY enough time to accomplish what he has purposed for me each day. So, the question becomes -- if I don't have enough time to get everything done, whose work am I trying to do -- mine or His?

On that note -- I have a few pet projects that God has laid on my heart. I am hoping to organize a bone marrow drive this summer in memory of my friend Julia who died of leukemia almost 3 years ago. I am also going to be leading a new small group for our church this summer. It's called "Learning to Live with Chronic Illness," and it's based on a book by the same name by Lisa Copen. And my friend -- Carrie, the one I told you about who suffered a stroke -- She is going to be teaching us how to quilt. It's something she really misses doing. She can still sew, but cannot cut the materials anymore. So, we're going to work together as a group of women to do it while we bond and have fun!

And then of course, there's homeschooling to be done and all the usual household Mom and wife-type stuff. But I'll try to focus on what's truly important this week. So, I will sign off. Isaac just woke up, and I'm going to feed him breakfast. Then I will take a quick shower before Nate joins us and we start school.

More later ...

Much Love,

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