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Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Hi Friends,

I just got back from the doctor's office, and Dr. Cohen is very pleased with my progress. I hadn't seen him for 6 weeks, which is the longest we've ever been without seeing one another. For a while, I was his best customer! He told me today that I definitely have the thickest chart of all of his patients. But he feels that I am doing and looking much better since the last time I've seen him. In fact, he commented that I look better than he's ever seen me since the whole lupus flare. I've lost 20 lbs of puffiness now that we're going down on Prednisone, and so I think that's helping. I do have bronchitis, though -- so he switched my antibiotics which weren't working and gave me some other meds for the symptoms. Hopefully, they'll start working soon. So far they're just making me really tired!

So, I think I'll take it easy today and not do much except for homeschooling. The boys are currently busy, so I may have a chance for a small nap soon.

Much Love,

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