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Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hello Friends!

Cameron and Molly are officially done with school. Today was their last day! And the big news is that Cameron has passed Computer Website Design. He normally gets all A's, but he has had a hard time with his computer requirement. Last year he took Computer Keyboarding and failed it, and this year it was questionable whether he'd pass this class. But he did, and we're all doing the happy dance of joy!

I am feeling OK today. I have stopped puking, and I have even begun eating again. So, that is good. I am just very tired, though. This morning, Annie took the kids to school, and I slept until 10 a.m. Then I got up, because I had an appointment at the DMV to renew my handicapped placard. That was at 11 a.m., and Annie and I turned it into our outing of the day. Annie and Nate went to McDonald's to pick up lunch while Isaac and I stayed at the DMV. We all finished up at around the same time. Then we went to Sycamore Park to have a picnic lunch and let the boys expend some energy!

At 12:30 we did our last after-school pick up of the year. MADE ME SO HAPPY!!! We picked up Cameron and Molly from school, and then we all came home. I lay down for a while with Itty Bitty Kitty, and Terry showed up with a much needed surprise -- new flatware. She had been here yesterday and noticed that we were running short on spoons! I love practical gifts! Thanks, Terry!

The kids went swimming and rode bikes and were just generally kids this afternoon! Ross just brought us a lovely dinner that Carrie made for us. It's chicken and rice, homemade bread, and an Asian salad. Thanks, Carrie! The kids and Annie are currently eating, and I am going to join them in a minute. I think I could do some salad and rice.

More tomorrow... I am SO looking forward to our first day of summer!!!

Much Love,

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