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Sunday, May 31, 2009

A GIFT ...

Hi Friends!

Sorry, I haven't blogged for a while. I'll start first with my lupus news. On Wednesday I went to UCLA to meet with Dr. Karpouzas, the director of rheumatology, who specializes in cases of lupus like mine that affect the central nervous system and brain. Tuesday night I was worrying about the appointment, and when I prayed to God -- I clearly heard him tell me that I would be receiving a gift from Dr. Karpouzas with his treatment plan. Of course, I began to whine to God, saying, "But what if I have to do more chemo?" And then God reminded me that this might be the 6 rounds that saves my life by putting me into complete remission. At that point, I felt secure and no longer worried, but I was quite sure God was preparing me for more chemo.

On Wednesday, we met with Dr. Karpouzas. He is really happy with my progress -- lupus-wise. He hadn't seen me for 9 months, and the last time he saw me, I was looking really bad! However, he wants me to do the rest of the chemo cycles (6 more) as we originally planned. He said it was fine to stop in order to check my kidneys, etc. for damage. But 12 rounds is the standard treatment, and so we need to do it. He also feels I have fibromyalgia in addition to the lupus, so I am starting some new pain medication for that, which will hopefully help my hands and feet to feel much better. And he is working on tweaking some of my other meds. As far as the fatigue, besides being a symptom of lupus and fibromyalgia, he feels I am "snowed" from all of the meds I am on -- many of them cause drowsiness. And now I don't have the Prednisone as an upper anymore.

So, on Tuesday, I see Dr. Cohen to put this plan in action. I imagine that I'll start chemo ASAP as soon as Dr. Menco, the oncologist, can set it up. I am hoping to get 3 rounds done over the summer while the kids are off. Cameron is thrilled, because I was planning to make him get a summer job. However, we've now agreed he can stay home and help me around the house.

Wednesday night, Bill decided to rent a camper so that we could go camping this weekend. I think it was his way of dealing! So, we spent Thursday and Friday, getting things together. Then we spent the weekend at Lake Isabella, which was a lot of fun and very beautiful. I came home feeling quite happy and rested. I will try and post some photos tomorrow, as I took quite a few.

More then ...


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