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Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Hi Friends!

I was thinking if there was one word to describe how I feel today -- it would be blessed. I'm having a good day! First of all -- a shout out to my parents, Richard and Luann Twohig who have been married 41 years today. Without them, there would be no me. So, I thank them for being my parents! Happy Anniversary!

Today I got up around 10:30 a.m., and I was the first person up at our house. Gotta love summer!!! (Except Bill, of course -- who had already left for work. Poor Guy!) Isaac and I watched a bit of TV in my bed as he showed up shortly after I woke up. It was nice to snuggle with him. Then we went downstairs and made chocolate-chip pancakes (one of the kids' favorites) for brunch! We called Annie and forced her to join us, because the kids were anxious to give her the birthday presents we had put together for her. So, she stopped by for a while. And she seemed to enjoy her presents -- we had put together an assorted gift bag for her showing how well we know her and her personality!

After eating pancakes, Molly and I went for a walk. I would really like to try and get some exercise in each day. It's a challenge, though -- because I have a tendency to overdo and then I can't walk at all the next day. So, hopefully we did the right amount today. We walked to the top of Sequoia and then back! After returning home, I drove to 7-11 to get Annie and I our daily Big Gulps. But I'm trying to be better and only drink the soda after I've had my 8 glasses of water for the day. Isaac came along to 7-11 as the Tooth Fairy had come last night, and he had $5 burning a hole in his pocket.

I also had to call the cleaners today and work out a problem with them. Their cleaning has not been meeting my standards, and after I talked with the owner today -- she admitted there was a problem. So, she refunded 1/2 of the money from my last sub-standard cleaning, assigned me a new (and hopefully, better) team, and next time she will have a quality-control inspector stop by to check their work. We're paying them a lot of money, and I don't want to clean up after them!

By the time, I did all that stuff and did a bit of housework, including laundry -- it was around 4 p.m. Judi came over and all the kids went swimming. Temperatures were almost 100 degrees today, so it was very hot! We had left-over stew for dinner. And then tonight at 7 p.m, we had our Chronic Illness small group. It was our last chapter, which was on Depression. We had quite a good discussion, and I have learned so much from leading this group. It's been very valuable for me to get to know other people in similar situations and to learn from their experiences.

It is quite late, so I am going to head upstairs for bed. I'll blog more tomorrow...

Much Love,

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