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Thursday, March 12, 2009


Hi Friends!
This is an edible arrangement and bear that Bill surprised me with today! Believe it or not, it's completely made out of fruit. As you can see -- the boys were quite excited to take the delivery! I had to stop them and take the picture before we started digging into it! The chocolate-dipped strawberries were especially good. The boys were trying to help me by sucking off the chocolate, and then just giving me the strawberries!
We had a fun day today. After sending the older kids off to school, Nate and Isaac, and I did our homeschooling for the day. They are currently into sign language and e-mailing the most. We also discovered a great Lego download today, and now we can play Legos on the computer! No more fighting over the pieces, and most importantly -- no mess and you can save your creations forever! We also baked blueberry muffins and brownies for our friend and neighbor, Terry, who is undergoing her bladder cancer treatments each Thursday.
This afternoon we went to the "Duck Park" with Judi, Heather, and Will. The kids had a good time, and they got to introduce Will and Heather to all their duck and geese friends. Rhino, Snowflake, Snowball, Bob, and all the other waterfowl were glad to see us with our duck food! I've been cleaning out the freezer of old bread this way. Nate is like the "duck whisperer" and has all the birds eating out of his hands. Isaac is a little more timid. But it's fun to watch.
Unfortunately, it was a bit too sunny for me at the park -- so I probably shouldn't have stayed for 1 1/2 hours. But I did and paid for it. My doctor says that's a lupus symptom I'll just have to live with. So, we picked up the big kids from school, and came home. The kids all played nicely and/or watched TV while I took a nap. I woke up feeling better, and then made dinner.
Bill got home around 7 p.m. and we had dinner. Tonight is a relaxed night, because there is no school tomorrow. Apparently, the teachers have a work day. We may go to a movie or do something fun to celebrate. I am keeping the homeschoolers on the same schedule as the public-schoolers.
Yesterday at the park (a better day for me -- it was more cloudy!), I walked 3 miles around the track. When I got to the 3rd mile, I suddenly realized I didn't have a headache and my feet didn't hurt. It may sound stupid -- but I was thrilled, because I've had a headache for almost a year that rarely went away. I used to always feel like I was walking on pokers, too. I had just learned to suck it up and live with it -- I still walked because I am trying to build bone density and lose my steroid puffy weight. But I feel like I really am a lot better and that is great! The kids and Bill and my doctors are impressed, too!
On that happy note -- I'll sign off for the night. Thanks for all the prayers and love.
Much Love,

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