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Friday, March 20, 2009


Hi Friends!

Sorry -- it's been a wild and crazy week. It just seemed to fly by this week, and I never got around to blogging. Mostly I was just kept busy by the usual stuff -- life and doctor appointments. That's OK, because I have learned to embrace the chaos!

Bill spent all of Thursday and Friday with a cardiologist doing testing of his heart. His blood pressure has been way too high. He has another test on Monday, and then we'll find out what's what. I told Bill we're not playing tag -- he doesn't need to get sick as soon as I'm doing well!

Life can be a journey for us. But as the Chinese proverb says, "To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping." So, that's what I do.

This weekend Annie, Cameron, and I are going to Disney's California Adventure. Cameron and I got 2-fer tickets when we went to DisneyLand for his birthday, and we have to use the second day before March 25th. So, we're just about out of time.

Hope you all will just "keep on stepping" too.


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