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Saturday, August 29, 2009


Because if you do, Bill may bubble wrap you and put you in our PODS container :-)

Hi Friends!

Sorry, I haven't blogged for a while. But I've been doing 2 things. 1. Packing. and 2. Resting and recovering from packing.

I'm happy to report that we have packed up the entire house. The PODS container is almost full. The kids are getting testy today because Bill is putting TVs and stereos (things they value) into it. The only things not in it from the house are our beds. I was teasing Bill when I went to bed last night, and I told him I was afraid I'd wake up in the PODS container still sleeping in my bed. Luckily, that didn't happen.

Anyway, as you can imagine the packing kept us quite busy this week. We have boxes and bags piled up on our front porch for the Salvation Army. The kids were quite good about packing and sorting through all of their things. And of course, there were many outgrown toys and clothes to bless others with. We also had some furniture that we don't want to take along to the new house, so that will go to the Salvation Army as well.

Today, I am going to help Bill with the garage. Brandon is here entertaining the boys, and they are currently on a bike ride. Tomorrow we are meeting with the landlords of our new place to exchange our checks for their keys.

Please continue to pray for my sanity. Although -- I find sanity can at times be overrated. After all, Normal is just a setting on your dryer!

Much Love,

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