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Monday, January 11, 2010


Hi Friends!

Cameron was the only one who did well with Monday mornings' wake-up call today. Bill took him to school this morning and then came back home to sleep some more like the rest of us. He had worked a lot of extra hours last week with his travel. So, today that made it nice for me, because he decided to work from home.

We got a late start with homeschooling, but we were very productive! It must have been the extra sleep. And with Bill home -- I even had time to do yoga on the Wii Fitness program. It had been 13 days since my last workout. The kids, as usual, kept us busy -- and before I knew it, it was bedtime. Nate and Isaac go to bed at 9 p.m., and Cam and Molly go to bed at 10 p.m. So, I have 2 in bed now, and I have 2 who are almost in bed. I'm tired -- so I think I'll be the next one in bed.

So-today was fairly peaceful and quiet. Not much new to report. And that's a good thing:-)

Much Love,

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