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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Hi Friends!

We enjoyed our day off today for Martin Luther King Day. The kids were up earlier than me. Bill was nice and let me sleep in as I had trouble sleeping last night. I've been having asthma problems, so that is being treated with albuterol breathing treatments in my home nebulizer. The problem is the one before bed last night made me very jittery and hyped up. Not even my Ambien could counteract it and I was up until about 4 a.m. So, I slept until noon or so today

Nate and Isaac's friend, Matthew, spent the day with us. So, they all had a great time together. It rained most of the day, but they got out during a break from it to ride bikes.

Bill and Cameron went to Blockbuster to rent a movie for Cameron. He had missed two days of school this semester and needed to watch "To Sir, with Love," for his film adaptation class. It's a great movie with Sidney Portier and so, we all watched it together. Cameron also got some good deals on a few movies that he bought with his Christmas money. So, the kids watched Garfield with him tonight. And they're looking forward to watching the other movies with him later this week. He also bought Monsters vs. Aliens and Night at the Smithsonian.

We did Cam's classwork movie after dinner and it was very long. So, we put the kids to bed late -- after baths it was about 10:30. Right now I'm still hyper from the nighttime breathing treatment, so I am working on mounds of laundry. I took the last week off from laundry 'cause I felt so yucky. So, now I have Mount Washmore. The kids were helping me with it today. I'd like to get the last few loads done, so they can put it away tomorrow.

In other cute news, Isaac has decided that his favorite new job is mopping the floor. So, he's been mopping away these days.

Tomorrow should be a relaxing day. We don't have any appointments scheduled, at least. On Wednesday -- Nate and Molly have orthodontist appointments in Thousand Oaks, so that should keep our morning busy.

Hope your week is going well:-)

Much Love,

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