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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Did you ever have one of THOSE days?

Hi Friends!

I don't know why I didn't blog yesterday -- just got busy, I guess! It was our first day back to school after Christmas vacation. It went well, but it seemed to fly by!

Today, my body it rebelling. I had a very difficult time getting up this morning. And I'm having a lot of trouble with my feet again. Can't stand on them at all, which kind of puts a damper on your day. It's uncomfortable for me to sit as well -- so I'm laying on Isaac's bed typing this.

It seemed like our school day went too fast. The kids were into Isaac's netbook and "doing research." They each made a book -- Isaac did one on Ancient Egyptian Artifacts, Nate did a joke book, and Molly did one on fashion.

When it was time to pick up Cam from school, Nate and Isaac wanted to go along and get Slurpees at the AM/PM by his school. So, we got stuck in major traffic going to pick up Cam, but we finally got there. Then at the gas station we discovered they only take debit cards, not credit cards. And with my new bank card -- I don't even have a PIN yet. Of course, we already had the slurpees, so luckily I guessed the right PIN on my other bankcard. They're attached to our checking accounts, and my brain is broken -- so I've always used the credit option.

So, by the time we get home it's 4:30. Nate and Isaac had a friend over to play. I tried to take it easy -- but that's easier said than done. Bill was home by 5:30, which is early for him. He's out now picking up meds and putting gas in the truck for me. He's leaving on a business trip tomorrow at 7 p.m. And he'll be at the Pentagon through Friday. I'm trying to convince Annie to come and visit while he's gone.

Tomorrow, Nate, Isaac, and Molly have dental appointments in Simi at 10 a.m. It's time to get going on all of those cavities! Fun, Fun!

I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow!

Much Love,

1 comment:

2Bears said...

will be thinking of you! be well!