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Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hi Friends!

I don't know what I've been up to all week -- just the usual busyness, I guess! But I went to see Dr. Cohen yesterday, and instead of giving me Ritalin -- he gave me Percocet. So, now I'm sleepier than I was before.

The good news is that all my bloodwork was good -- I'm not anemic, and I have enough potassium and Vitamin B and K. I'm usually low on those things, but all the supplements that Bill and Dr. Cohen are forcing me to take -- well, they must be working.

Unfortunately, though -- some of my lupus symptoms are coming back. The headache is returning and my joint pain is causing difficulty in walking. So, since I have the headache and pain -- my ritalin dreams went up in smoke. Instead, I get to increase the Prednisone and try a new narcotic for the pain. Anytime the headache gets worse to the point where I can't take it -- Dr. Cohen wants me to call him for an admit to the hospital for more IV steroids and another round of chemo. Ideally, the chemo was supposed to last 6 months, but things never go according to plan. I'm going to hold out as long as possible. But when I get to the point where the narcotics no longer help -- then I'll know it's time to go in. I did face reality and pack a hospital bag, so that it's ready the next time I need to go. My last 3 times in the hospital, I arrived without my own stuff and had to call Molly. Being a girl, she was my only hope of packing the right items.

Bill also came home early today with symptoms of an ear infection. So, he needs to go to Urgent Care either tonight or tomorrow. Fun, fun!

Other than that, we're doing the usual Bland family stuff. Cameron is working on a 7 page research paper. So, after homeschool is finished each day and I pick him up, I've been helping him with that.

Have a great night! I'm off to supervise dinner, chores, and bedtime!

Much Love,

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