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Monday, March 8, 2010


Hi Friends,

Sunday we went to church in the morning, and then came home for lunch. I did some reading and took a nap after helping Cameron with some sociology homework. The Fields' came over at around 4:30, and it was nice to visit with them. We hadn't seen them for quite a while -- since we'd last been to Simi Valley. We visited at our house, and then we all went to TGI Friday's for dinner at 6 p.m. It was a nice time for both the kids (they have a 16 year old boy and 12 year old girl who fit in well with our kids) and the adults. The meal was great, and I had a maragarita, a BLT with fries, and Carrie and I split a hot fudge sundae. Isaac once again downed his entire cheeseburger and fries WAY TOO QUICKLY and threw up in the bathroom. By dessert time, he was hungry again, and he ate a sundae! Gotta love 7 year olds.

Today, after Bill and Cameron went to work and school -- I went back to bed until 10 a.m. I had a hard time sleeping last night. When the kids got up, we drove to Fillmore to pick up a ton of clothes that a nice lady from Freecyle was giving us. We watched a DVD on pandas for science class on the way there, and stopped at a neat little playground we spotted for PE on the way back. We also hit a Del-Taco drive-through for lunch. Then when we got home, we did all the household chores and sorted through the clothes. We got quite a bit -- stuff for Nate, Isaac, Molly, me, and even a few things for Cameron.

We continued to homeschool until 4 p.m. due to our late start. Bill picked up Cameron and brought him home from school. Then Bill packed up and left for LAX as he has a business trip this week to Whidbey Island, WA. After he left, I did some stuff around the house -- cleaning up, laundry, etc. Then I took the boys over to the fountain park while I did my daily walk! Hurray for me! Molly had Amber over. And Cameron planted himself in his usual after-school spot, which is in front of the TV. He even convinced Molly and Amber to do his sociology homework -- which was to print out a picture of a "beautiful/hot girl" and a picture of an "average girl." Cameron claimed he couldn't do it, because he is not interested in girls yet. THANK GOD for that! Anyway, the girls were happy to do it for him, and I actually think Amber has a bit of a crush on him.

Tonight we had pizza for dinner and the day just seems to have disappeared. I need to get Nate and Isaac to take baths, and then start bedtime. And I'm not thrilled to be driving Cameron to school every morning this week. YUCK! Bill, I'm missing you already!! Annie is going to come and help me out, though. I especially need her tomorrow as I have to pick up Cam at 3:15 in Oxnard and be in T.O. by 3:45 to make my appointment with the pain management doctor. I still haven't figured out how to be in two places at one time yet! Let me know if anyone has figured that out yet!

I'm going to sign off and write more tomorrow. For now, Good Night:-)
Much Love,

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