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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hi Friends...

Sorry I haven't blogged this week. I have been feeling really awful. Horrible headache and severe fatigue. I think it was a combination of too much zoo on Saturday and the lowering of my steroids/increasing of my CellCept. This morning is the first morning I felt anywhere near normal. I have an appointment with Dr. Cohen this evening at 5:15 -- so we'll see what he has to say.

Basically, I am just trying to recover in time to go to Vegas on Sunday. Bill was supposed to go on travel this week, but he cancelled due to my condition. He's been taking Cam to and from school and working from home in the afternoons. I tend to sleep through the morning, homeschool in the afternoons, and then go back to bed.

So -- I need to go now and get started on that. I just wanted you all to know I was still alive and kicking...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
Much Love,

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