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Thursday, December 17, 2009


Hi Friends!

I never got back to blogging after Monday. I had good days on Monday and Tuesday. And then Wednesday and Thursday (today) were difficult...really struggling with the fatigue and headaches associated with my lupus. So, I'm just taking it day by day, minute by minute, etc. Yesterday the kids did their homeschooling themselves. And today, I managed to be a part of it, but I didn't do much else. When I feel really bad, I mostly just try to focus on the kids and what's really important. Sometimes I feel like a real burden to Bill, but when we discussed it this past weekend -- he said, "So what if you are?" I like his attitude.

Carrie Underwood has a new song out that I heard on my way to pick up Cameron from school. This is the chorus:

This is our temporary home.
It's not where we belong.
Windows and rooms that we're passing through,
This is just a stop on the way to where we're going.
I'm not afraid because I know,
This is our temporary home.

It made me cry because it really hit me right where I am. Life seems really hard at times. But thank God this is only my temporary home and my temporary body! I definitely can't wait to trade in this body for my heavenly one.

Cameron has been having many parties at school, because tomorrow is his last day of school before Christmas break. So, we've been doing a lot of baking -- he keeps volunteering us to bring brownies, which is easy enough to do! The homeschoolers have been baking for him, so he is pretty spoiled.

Tomorrow night Bill and I are going out for dinner and a movie with some of his friends from work. We're going to see Avatar. I'm looking forward to going out on a "date" with Bill. It's been a while since we've gone out together. I promised the kids that they could rent a PPV movie and eat pizza while we were gone, so Cam and Molly are more than happy to babysit.

I'll try to blog more tomorrow. The kids' computer is down, so I have a line of children waiting to play Wizards 101 (their game of choice) on this computer.

Much Love,

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