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Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hi Friends!

It was so chilly here in Oxnard (in the 40's) today that it really felt like winter --even here in Southern California. I wore a winter coat, hat, scarf, and gloves when I took the kids to the park and did my walking. Oh well -- I probably look less ridiculous with a scarf instead of a surgical mask over my face.

We had an average day around here. Trust me, at this point -- normal is good. We all did our usual stuff -- school, work, etc. Bill received word that he is getting an award at work that comes with a bonus. So, that should be nice for medical bills and Christmas.

Other than that, I've got nothing ... but I'm feeling happy again... and that's a good thing :-)

Much Love,

1 comment:

2Bears said...

40s is chilly? you've really been away from WI for awhile! we may have our first snow today! hopefully it's enough for the girls to play in but not so much we have to shovel. stay warm in that frosty weather! L.