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Monday, November 30, 2009


Hi Friends!

Well, it's official -- the pneumonia is gone and Dr. Nathan is pleased with my progress. So, now I'm getting bumped back from the infectious disease doctor to Dr. Cohen, my main doctor -- the rheumatologist. We'll see what new torturing (oh, I meant to say, curing) therapies he has in store for me on the 10th. Bill was laughing at me for purposely staggering the appointments. He thought I should see Dr. Cohen right away this week as I'm cured. I told him I need 10 days to be "normal" before jumping on the lupus roller coaster again. My home health nurse was here today to change my PICC dressing and check me over. She is not happy with my blood pressure (too low) and heartbeat (it's odd) -- so I know we'll be doing some med changes. Oh well, too much good news in one day might give me a big head :-)

Today was busy and I had trouble going to sleep last night, so I am tired. We homeschooled today and even made it to the park for PE and my walking. Besides the 2 medical appointments I had, we got caught up on dishes and laundry. I was behind on both, so it took most of the day and the kids' help to catch up! And Bill picked up Cameron, but then he had to go back to work and stay late. So, I didn't have my chef to cook dinner. Luckily, the kids were content to microwave instant food for themselves.

Hopefully, I'll get a better night's sleep tonight and tomorrow will be a bit slower-paced.

Much Love,

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