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Saturday, November 21, 2009


Hi Friends!

Yesterday we completed our first full week of homeschooling, so that was cause for celebration. It's been a slow start this year with me being sick so frequently. In the evening when Bill got home, we went to Toppers for pizza and then to Dairy Queen for dessert. It was nice to get out, but my IV antibiotics are very powerful and making me somewhat sick to my stomach. So, I didn't get to enjoy it as much as everyone else.

Today Bill took Molly, Nate, and Isaac to the beach. There are some sand dunes that they love climbing up. We didn't think it would be a good idea for me to go with my pneumonia. So, Cam and I are just hanging out at home. He didn't want to go either. He's pretty funny, though. I think Bill told him to keep a close eye on me, because every few minutes he asks whether I'm OK or if I need something. But mostly we're just enjoying the quiet. I just did a breathing treatment, took a bath, and changed into some clean PJs.

Cameron is off of school for the whole next week for Thanksgiving. The home-schooled kids are now jealous, because I told them we need to do school Monday-Wednesday. Cameron says he'll help me, and I'm hoping to feel better and to be able to do some field trips. We'll see.

For now, I am going to go lay back down until the wild ones return home!
Much Love,

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