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Sunday, November 8, 2009


Hi Friends,

I spent the weekend around home and since I'm feeling better -- I just tried not to push it too hard and make myself sick again. I have a bit of a cold going -- so I need to be careful with my lack of immune system. Usually my tendency is to do too much as soon as I start to feel better. So, I need to be careful.

Bill spent the weekend doing lots of activities with the kids -- taking them to the playgrounds, playing fussball, grilling out for dinner, etc. He also has been working on unpacking and organizing our garage. As I'm sure you can imagine -- it wasn't looking very good. After moving in, I spent the next 26 days in the hospital, so it's not like Bill had a lot of time to do this. Hopefully, this is a step into normalcy for us.

The kids and I also rented Aliens in the Attic and watched it together. We enjoyed it. And tonight we had chocolate chip pancakes with sausage for our traditional Sunday breakfast-for-dinner. Bill has taken over cooking, which is very nice for me.

I'll attempt to blog more tomorrow.

Much Love,

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