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Saturday, February 7, 2009


Hi Friends!

I'm sorry I haven't blogged for a while. I've still been struggling with a nasty headache. I ended up having to cancel to my GYN appointment on Thursday, because I was on narcotics and unable to drive. Basically, I managed to do my homeschooling with the boys on Thursday and Friday and not much else. I am hoping that the Cytoxan on Monday will kick the headache, but we'll have to see. I'm not sure if it's the lupus headache or not?!
Last night we had Bible Study at our house. I made it through with lots of Vicodin. I went to sleep after everyone left and spent most of today in bed, too. I am just now attempting to get up and do a few things. I am hoping to make it to church tomorrow as I may not make it for a week or two after chemo.

Much Love,

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