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Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hi Friends!!!

I am having a lovely and laid-back weekend. We had Bible Study last night, and today my family let me sleep in until noon. Brandon came over to play with the boys today. Besides puttering around the house, I haven't done much of anything today.

However -- last night I had a very unusual dream. I'm calling it a vision. Because I believe it to be real. It was my Grandma Twohig (my Dad's Mom) and Mrs. Perrone (her friend/housekeeper/nanny). They looked like angels and they told me they've been with me throughout my entire sickness and that they're watching over me and helping me. I woke up with a sense of peacefulness and I believe that God let them come to talk with me to raise my spirits. And no, I'm not crazy or on anymore narcotics!!!

Tomorrow we'll have church and our family day. And then we have a busy week. We have several doctor's appointments scheduled. Also, my oldest son, Cameron, is turning 16 on Wednesday. I'm not sure where the time has gone or how I got old enough to have a 16 year old. But I am definitely proud of the young man he has become!

Much Love,

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