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Saturday, May 29, 2010


Hi Friends,

I didn't get around to blogging yesterday, but it was generally a good day. Our cleaners came in the morning. Bill had the day off and took the kids out for lunch and some errands and shopping while the housecleaners were here. I spent the day around home, mostly focusing on laundry and organizing the kitchen. I also went through our homeschooling materials and was able to recycle and/or give away some things that we are no longer using. I even took a bath and managed to change into some clean jammies -- so it was a day of accomplishment for me. Although my energy level is returning after the chemo, I still have to be careful not to overdo:-) Sometime I can be my own worst enemy -- because when I do feel better, I do too much which has a tendency to push back any progress I've made.

We all stayed up late last night and slept in this morning. I LOVE A QUIET, LAZY MORNING!!! We were considering spending the night at the land this weekend -- but I wasn't quite up for it. And Isaac wasn't happy about going without me. So, Bill elected to just take the two youngest boys and their friend, Matt, out for the day today. He bought a brush trimmer at Home Depot for the land, and he is planning to work on that today. I'm at home with Cam and Moll and we're enjoying a quiet day. Molly and I have been watching some "chick flicks" on TV and enjoying some mother-daughter time. And Cam is upstairs playing computer/video games and watching TV. Typical teenage stuff!

I am hoping that conserving my energy today will enable me to go to church tomorrow. I haven't been there for a month or so -- and I really need that time with God and my community of believers. So, now I'm back off to bed to veg out for the day. It always seems SO quiet without the boys here:-) And it stays so clean -- there's almost nothing to do -- not that I'm complaining.

Enjoy your long weekend! And have fun with where you are/what you are able to do NOW!!! Because now is what we have -- that is easy for me to see as I live one day, or one hour, or even one minute at a time. I thank God for what I have and what I can do in the NOW, trusting Him to plan my life:-)

Much Love,

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