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Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Hi Friends!

I'm getting ready for bed and thought I'd check in first. Still not feeling well. I'm not a big fan of CellCept...I'm currently on the highest dosage, and I still have all my lupus symptoms (in fact, they seem worse) plus I'm very pukey:-( Not fun!!!

Today I took the homeschoolers on a field trip to the library and we stocked up on reading materials for the next few weeks. We also studied honey bees for science class, using a cool DVD and some other study materials we got at the library. Again, these activities would be much more fun without the dry heaves!

Bill took Cameron to school and picked him up, as the library trip pretty much took up all my energy. I napped this afternoon some more and then made dinner for my kids and Matt and Amber before Bill took them all (except Cam) to Youth Group at church. I worked with Cameron on some make-up work that he had for History class, and I'm pleased to say we finished the essay on the atomic bombs dropped on Japan during World War II.

I'm going to lay down and read for a while, as my tummy is lurching and I don't think I could sleep with it going on. I see Dr. Cohen tomorrow, so hopefully, he'll have some answers for me.

More tomorrow...
Much Love,

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