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Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hi Friends,

My surgery on Monday morning to place the port (which will be used for chemo access) went well. Or so they tell me. I'm not sure that my jugular vein appreciates having a line running through it, or that my chest appreciates the port stitched into it. In other words, I'm still pretty sore. The procedure took most of yesterday morning. Frank and Shirlene took me, and Bill stayed home with the homeschooling kids. I was glad the Dr. Cohen found me the "best doctor" to do the procedure. I had Dr. Lecht who has done multiple procedures on me (spinal taps, brains specs, etc.), and he managed to get into my jugular vein on the second try. Considering that my last PICC placement took 8 attempts, I was happy with 2.

I spent all of yesterday in bed. My neck hurt to move and my chest felt like it was on fire, so I just kept taking pain meds and going to sleep. Today I am feeling better. Still not normal, I take the pain meds, sleep for a while, then have a good hour or two, and then the cycle begins again.

My chemo is scheduled for Thursday, so I sent Bill to work today and will send him tomorrow too. We actually got a fair amount of homeschooling done today, and should be able to tomorrow as well. I purposely planned more independent activities than usual. And also activities for the older kids to help the younger ones with.

Off to bed...more tomorrow...posted pictures of the Port on FB.
Much Love,

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