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Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hi Friends!

Had a pretty normal day today -- still not feeling well. I managed my home-schooling, because let's face it, when you're the Mom -- you have to "suck it up, buttercup!" Among other things, we watched the movie Heidi today. My kids had never seen it, and it's such a classic.

We were done with school by 2:30 and I sent the boys off to the park to burn off some energy before I had to leave for the doctor. That way I figured they wouldn't be too hyper for Cam and Molly. Anyway at 4:00 Cam and Bill came home. The big kids babysat the little kids, and Bill and I headed off to Thousand Oaks for my appointment with Dr. Cohen.

So, Dr. Cohen and I agree. I'm still in a lupus flare and the CellCept is not cutting it. It was a worthwhile experiment, but unfortunately, I will need more invasive treatment. So, today I went and got some lab work done. On Monday, I will have a port put in at Los Robles Hospital for wasier access since we'll be doing chemo again. I will be starting back on Rituxan as soon as possible after the port is put in.

The timing is not good, but then it never is. Bill will be gone all next week to Washington D.C. for work. But I will give it to God and trust Him to meet my needs with the people and resources necessary for my most recent medical adventure.

More tomorrow...
Much Love,

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