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Sunday, November 21, 2010


Hi Friends,

I am having some relief with my lupus headache, since I finished the 3rd round of IV Solumedrol. I'm happy -- but it's about time! I am able to go longer between pain med doses and I actually slept all of last night. I was determined to go to church today, so with the help of a big dose of Zofran (for the chemo puking) and Dilaudid (for the headache) -- I made it. I was pretty proud of us, because we haven't picked up the new (to us, at least) truck yet. Since our car only seats 5 and we are a family of 6 -- that meant 2 trips to and from church. Luckily, the church isn't too far away. And I was glad to go. Since then, I came home and have been resting comfortably in bed.

Tomorrow I am going to see the neurologist with Bill at 10:30. Hopefully, he'll have some answers to what's going on in my loopy brain. And then at 3:00 Annie is taking me to the urologist, which is always fun, right?

More later...it only gets better from here;-)

Much Love,

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