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Friday, November 19, 2010

Cameron just escorted me back to bed and grounded me...

Hi Friends!

Apparently I've trained that boy too well. Cameron volunteered to stay home and babysit me today as Bill had a meeting at work this afternoon and some prep work to do before it. Cam and Molly have all of next week off of school for Thanksgiving Break, and apparently he was doing "nothing" in all of his classes today -- so Cam got the job by simply volunteering. Being on all my regular meds + high dose IV steroids + Dilaudid and Fentanyl, I am considered a risk to myself -- I can't imagine why??? I'm not going to take it personally that Cam's wearing a shirt that says: "You don't have to be crazy to work here...They'll train you."

Anyway, I slept fairly well last night with the help of pain meds and zofran for the vomiting. I can definitely feel the chemo -- I am not throwing up, but the idea of food is completely repulsive. So I am just focused on staying hydrated. My nurse, Mary, came at 9 a.m. this morning and adminstered my 2nd dose of IV solumedrol. After 2 days and 2 grams, I am flying high in a drug-induced stupor and not looking forward to the crash. After she left, I got up and was cleaning my already-clean-enough house and doing laundry. I managed to get in a bath and even paint my nails, before I was escorted back to bed by Cameron and grounded for the rest of today...he has Bill, the doctor, and nurse to back him up...so I will listen. Plus, he told me he's afraid I'll do too much and pass out. And even though Cam knows what to do in case of an emergency, I don't want to traumatize the sweet boy.

I received good news from the gynecologist. This week, I had a uterine biopsy, and it just came back normal. Praise the Lord -- because I don't think I could handle uterine cancer at this time. I'm still trying to break up with lupus...

Well, like I said -- I'm grounded to bed and it happens to be time for my Dilaudid. The house is fairly quiet -- so I think I'll try to get a nap in.

Much Love,

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