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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Hi Friends!

I had a rough night last night and kept ending up on the floor without enough strength to stand up again. You know, kind of like -- "I've fallen and I can't get up!" At 9 a.m. Home Health Services came and set me up with my first examination. They cleaned and flushed my PICC line and did vitals, and that sort of thing. We were impressed with their professionalism and they will continue to come and care for me at home with home-based nursing. That should be nice.

I had an appointment at noon with Dr. Cohen today, so Bill took me into Thousand Oaks. It was decided that my lupus is in a very active flare -- not good news, but not really a surprise either! So, Dr. Cohen SOS'ed Dr. Menco, and I am starting high-dose steroids at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow morning. Other than that I am continuing on an "alarming" (according to Dr. Cohen) amount of pain meds every 3 hours and just trying to survive.

Back to bed for now. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes. Annie is coming tonight. She'll take me in for treatment for the next few days. Mom will stay here with the homeschoolers and Bill will work and take care of getting Cam to and from school. Prayers, as always, are much appreciated. I am definitely not handling all of this well. Quite frankly, I think it sucks, but I will strive to develop a better attitude by tomorrow.

Much Love,

1 comment:

2Bears said...

it sucks, michele. it's okay to call a spade a spade. as always, you're in our prayers. so looking forward to seeing you. much love and peace! L