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Saturday, November 29, 2008

I FEEL GOOD! NOV. 28, 2008

Hi Friends!

I am having a great day! The kind of day where I don't even feel like I have lupus. On days like today, I am loving the chemo and what it is doing for me.

.................................................Before Chemo.................................................................After Chemo.........

We had a lazy morning and slept in .. at least Bill and I did. And Cameron, because he's a teenager. The other kids all got up early, but entertained themselves and fed themselves donuts for breakfast. Bill and I got up around 11:30 a.m. And then, I was feeling so good that I called Judi to go walking with me. We did our usual 2 mile walk down Fletcher and to the top of Seqouia and back. I am motivated to eat better and exercise. I would like to see if it's possible to lose any of my steroid weight.

Bill took the kids to Wal-Mart today. It was their "payday" with allowance, and they wanted to go spend it. I thought he was crazy to go to Wal-Mart today, and he said it was pretty wild on the day after Thanksgiving. They were gone several hours, so I had a peaceful afternoon. Molly and Cameron bought movies, Nate bought a PS2 game, and Isaac bought a Star Wars StormTrooper helmet.

Other than that, we spent the day at home. Ate Thanksgiving left-overs. Cameron bought GhostBusters 1 and 2, so we watched the 1st one as a family tonight and it was hilarious! We're going to watch the second one tomorrow.

It's late now, so I will sign off and write again tomorrow. I'm hoping I feel this good for the next while -- at least until it's chemo time again!

Much Love,

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