I am having a pleasant day -- slowly satrting to feel better after this last round
(#3) of steroids/chemo. Today Bill was off of work and the kids were off of school. Brandon came over to hang out with us while Shirlene had to work. She turned into June Cleaver last night and showed up this morning with green bean casserole and cornbread souffle for us to have for Thanksgiving. My neighbor and friend, Terry, is in charge of our turkey, stuffing, pie, and other goodies. So, parts of the meal have been showing up all day. I feel so loved and cared for here on Fletcher St. Annie brought cranberry sauce and Judi brought me a lovely floral arrangement today. (And Yesterday Terry and Ty were grocery shopping and cooking dinner for us, too. We had meatball sandwiches -- very tasty!)
At 11 a.m. this morning I had an appointment at Dr. Menco's for bloodwork.

Annie was at home with Nate, Brandon, and Cameron, so we all met up at Carl's Jr. for lunch after the appointment. The kids needed to get out and the little ones got to play in the Play Land, which was nice as it's been raining here. After eating, Annie and I ditched Bill with the kids and went on a much-needed grocery-shopping trip to Albertson's. It was crazy at Albertson's the day before Thanksgiving, and I felt like I had ADHD with all the activity -- but Annie kept me calm and we filled up two grocery carts, so hopefully -- we're stocked up for a while.

We got home around 2 p.m. and unloaded groceries in the pouring rain. Of course, after we got everything inside -- the rain subsided. We put away groceries and then Bill and I lay down for naps. Annie nicely offered to watch the kids while we slept. That's a true friend! I napped for about an hour, and when I woke up -- Shirlene called to say she was done with work and off to get her nails done. She invited me to join her, and of course -- I said yes. So, we got our nails done. It was good to get out and do something fun. I got my nails done a lovely shade of blue, and I thoroughly freaked out my manicurist because my cuticles bled and bled and bled. I was still bleeding when I left -- it was almost funny!
Bill and Cameron are off at the Senior Center in Simi Valley feeding the old people for Thanksgiving with the other Boy Scouts. Annie just went out and got us D
I am looking forward to a fun family Thanksgiving tomorrow. I truly have so much to be thankful for this year. I hope you feel the same way. I know that I am thankful for all of you and your prayers and support.
Much Love,
1 comment:
Do I get to leave the first comment? I am honored to be given this distinct pleasure. Your family here in Tampa wish you a restful holiday weekend. We're glad to hear about the support of family and friends.
If there's anything you need please let us know. We're following your blog and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
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