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Sunday, November 30, 2008


Hi Friends!

I had a nice and quiet day today. I made it back to church, and for the first time in a long time -- I was able to stand at appropriate times during the service. For the past several months when I have made it to church -- I've not had the strength to stand and have stayed seated the whole time. This whole "life-threatening illness-thing" really makes you appreciate the small stuff.

After church we spent a quiet afternoon at home. The kids played and we watched a couple movies on TV -- Juno with the older kids and Elf with all of the kids. I concocted a new casserole out of left-over Thanksgiving foods, and it was a hit whith all the kids except Isaac. 3 out of 4 isn't too bad!

Tomorrow all of the kids go back to school. Most of them are less than thrilled! It's been fun having them home, but I'll also be glad to get back to our normal weekly routine. I have two full weeks before doing my December (#4) steroid/chemo treatment. So, I'm hoping for 2 nice weeks. I am still feeling much better, although today I am struggling with the headache again.

Much Love,

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