We had some internet issues, so I didn't get to blog on Thanksgiving -- but now I want to tell you about it. We had a very nice and relaxing family day at home. I was struggling with a headache. I have what is referred to as a "lupus headache," and when it's bad...it's bad. I take Vicodin to cut the pain, and it is getting better with the chemo. I used to have to take morphine for it. But anyway, I am getting off-topic... I had a headache, but it was still a nice day, because I had the whole day free with no responsibilities.
My sweet neighbor, Terry, showed up at 10 a.m., and when I got out of the bathtub -- she was sauteeing onions and celery and stuffing my turkey. The house smelled wonderful, and she is such a cheerful and caring woman. She even had Molly cooking with her, and the kids were all enjoying talking with her while she cooked. She put Bill to work on the stuffing, so that was pretty funny, too. So, thanks Terry -- you and your cooking equalled a big hit for us on Thanksgiving!!!
We spent the day lounging around home and smelling the turkey baking. I took an afternoon nap and awoke feeling much better. I must say, my family has been really good about letting me sleep when I need to -- and I always do better when I listen to my body rather than ignore it, go figure!
We ate dinner around 5 p.m. and "Auntie Annie" came to enjoy it with us. We had quite the spread! Turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pies from Terry, Cranberry sauce from Annie, Cornbread Souffle and Green Bean Casserole from Shirlene!! All Bill and I made was the mashed potatoes and gravy. And we heated up some rolls and cookies.
We drank champagne (adults) and sparkling cider (kids) in the fancy glasses and used Grandma's fancy china. We toasted things we were thankful for. Isaac was thankful for Jesus dying on the cross and "rosing" again, Nate was thankful for PS2, Molly was thankful for her cat "Bo Bo," and Cameron was thankful for all the Thanksgiving food. Annie was thankful for becoming part of our family and Bill was thankful for his better health. I told everyone that I was just thankful to be alive, because I seriously thought earlier this year I was going to die from my lupus. We had a touching moment where everyone said they were glad I hadn't kicked the bucket either.
But seriously, at 2 points in my hospital stays -- I did question whether I'd make it. The first time was when the infectious disease doctors all came in together to tell me my spinal tap came back "abnormal," and the second was after not seeing my kids for several days. After my last hospital stay, I cried as soon as we hit Simi Valley, because I hadn't thought I'd make it home again. And then, when I saw Cameron -- I cried and cried because he hates hospitals, so I had gone over a week without seeing him.
Anyway ... the point is I am so thankful to be home. To have a correct diagnosis. To have a treatment plan, which isn't always fun, but is working. I appreciate the little things now in a way I never did before. And I have a slower pace to my life. For the first time in my life, I am a human being, not a human doing. After thinking you might die or not ever see your kids, the little things they do tend to bother you less. That's for sure!
After Thanksgiving dinner, we watched a movie. It was "War of the Worlds" -- Bill's choice, not mine. And then we all went to bed.
Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, too. Look for the blessings in the little things!
Much Love,
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