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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm oh-so tireddddd...

Hi Friends!

Apparently taking chemo meds on top of all the lupus meds and pain meds I'm already taken = complete exhaustion. All I want to do is sleep... I don't feel awful...my pain is well-controlled, just really really tired. I guess it makes sense that killing your immune system would tire your body out, right? So, for now I'm just going with it. I went to sleep last night at 10 p.m. and slept on and off until 2 p.m. today. And I'm still really tired. I just sent all 4 kids to the park down the street. Nate and Isaac need to get out and use up some energy...but I felt they needed babysitters and also, it wouldn't kill my teenagers to get out and get some fresh air. So this was my chance to hop on one of the computers -- which are usually occupied by children -- and let you know that I'm still doing well, just sleepy...

Bill comes home tomorrow. And we have a date night scheduled -- our sweet Alice gave us some free tickets to a movie tomorrow night. Another reason to rest up today as I want the energy to go to a movie and not fall asleep in the theater.

So I've decided that anything I thought needed to be done today ... can just wait until tomorrow. Luckily I have good kids who can take care of themselves and each other and life goes on... Isaac has been trying to chase down the ice cream truck for the past few days. Hopefully he'll have success today. And Itty Bitty Kitty spent the whole night outside last night after pushing one of the screens out of a window. I didn't notice when I closed the windows last night before bed. But today we heard the sounds of a meowing kitty on our front doorstep. She was very happy to be let in. She and Bo Bo had a long cat conversation about the experience, and Molly wrapped IBK in a blankie and babied her for hours after the whole traumatic experience...

Good Night...
Much Love,

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