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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hi Friends,

It's raining, it's pouring...here in the usually sunny Southern Caliornia:-( I decided to blog now as I think the rest of the day will soon get away from me. The kids got up earlier than usual today -- by 8 a.m. and were done with their homeschooling by 1 p.m. We spent a lot of time today making decorations for Cameron's 17th birthday, which is tomorrow. We will hang the decorations tomorrow while he is at school, so that he has a big surprise when he gets home!

I need to go pick up Cameron in an hour and am hoping to do my daily Bible reading before then, too. After picking up Cam and returning him home, Bill is going to take me to my 5:00 appointment with Dr. Cohen. I am really hoping that we will decide on a treatment plan for me. Not knowing is very stressful!

We also need to pick up presents for Cameron tonight and crepe paper and balloons to add to his birthday decorations -- not that we're leaving things to the last minute or anything! But he's pretty easy to please, tomorrow night he wants to go to Burger King for his birthday dinner, and I'm making him my famous chocolate chip cookie birthday cake. He requests it every year. The homeschoolers will help me make it tomorrow and I'll post pictures on FaceBook, I'm sure.

Nate and Molly also want to go to the Youth Group tonight at 6:30 at our new church. So, hopefully we'll be back from Thousand Oaks in time.

Anyway, I'll blog more tomorrow...
Much Love,

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