Hi Friends,
I'm still not getting much sleep (last night, think 3 1/2 hours), but I do love Fridays. Today was Bill's day off and Cameron went on a really cool field trip to one of the Channel Islands. They took an 1 1/2 hour boat ride out there to a national preserve and saw all sorts of marine life for his Marine Biology class. The housecleaners came this morning and so, we had an early start on home-schooling, too. We were done with schooling by 2 p.m., at which point Nate and Isaac decided to take showers. My children were taught and tidy by 2:30 p.m., and I was loving it! Nate and Isaac have recently found the joy in showering together in the huge master bathroom stand-up/sit-down shower. They wear swimsuits, don't worry, and it's very cute!
This afternoon, I did some reading. And I spent some time with the kids just hanging out. And I touched base with new and old friends on FaceBook. Molly's Grandma Linda sent her a TON of jewelry in the mail today. She's sorting through her personal items in preparation for their move to Arizona. It really made Molly's day! Thanks, Mom. Molly spent hours rearranging all of her new jewelry into drawers and she has many plans for what to wear each item with. It was sweet of you to think of her.
Bill picked up Cameron from school at 5 p.m. due to his field trip. It seemed weird not to have him home at 3:30. When he got home, he was really fired up about the whole experience. He wants to work with animals for his career, so this trip was perfect for him! We talked for at least 2 hours about every little detail and animal he saw/learned about.
We ate dinner and then Bill and the kids watched a movie. We also ordered cell phones for Nate and Isaac tonight. They should come this week, and the two little boys are beside themselves with excitement. They are making lots of friends here in our new neighborhood, and we want them to be reachable at all times. I also like the idea of everyone having their own phone to text/call me when I'm in the hospital again! We have not had landlines at home for the past few years, opting for cell phones instead.
Right now, everyone is asleep except me, Bill, and Molly. Molly is waiting for me to leave the computer and go to bed as she wants to go on FB to thank Grandma Linda herself for the jewelry. I am hoping AGAIN for a good night's sleep tonight. I had to laugh because when I did my Bible reading for today -- one part of it was Psalm 22: "Plea for Deliverance from Suffering..."
I won't quote the whole thing -- just Psalm 22:1-5, which I thought fit my situation.
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning?
O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer;
Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.
In you our ancestors trusted;
they trusted, and you delivered them.
To you they cried, and were saved;
in you they trusted, and were not put to shame."
So, I will remember that my God is holy. I can trust Him, cry out to Him, and He will save and deliver me. In fact, I hope to find rest tonight!
More tomorrow... It's our library day... I love the Oxnard Library!
Much Love,
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