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Sunday, September 20, 2009


Hi Friends ...

We got up this morning at 9 a.m., so that we could leave for church by 10 a.m. We went to the 11:00 service at our former church in Simi Valley -- it's now called Stonebridge, used to be Simi Prez. Bill and I drove separately. It was a big accomplishment for me to be able to drive again, and I realized while driving there -- I now have no pain at all! Praise God!

We enjoyed the church service and touched base with some friends there. After church, we drove over to Burger King for lunch. The kids are now big fans of Burger King "doublestackers," so they chose the restaurant. After BK, we split up. Bill took Nate and Molly. They stopped at Sandy's house to deliver her Bat Mitzvah gift. They also went to Target for meds and the Do-It-Center for pool supplies. I took Cam and Isaac to GameStop where they spent some of their allowance money.

We then met up at our old house in Simi. I guess, technically, it's still our house until the new owner signs his papers. Latest estimate -- he should close towards the end of this week.

Bill cut up the old jacuzzi and set it out for the trash company to pick up. He also had to spend most of the day treating the pool, which had turned majorly green. We had the electricity turned off a week ago, thinking that the new owner would be moving in. So, since that didn't happen -- we ended up with the heat and no electricity to run the pump, causing a very green pool.

Simi is VERY hot right now. The kids and I said hi to some of our former neighbors -- and then we headed home. We ended up back in Oxnard at around 3:30 p.m. The heat really wiped me out, so I just relaxed and lay around for the rest of the day. The kids went to the park for a bit, but other than that -- we didn't do much.

We ate left-overs for dinner, and we are hoping that Bill makes it home soon. Unfortunately, he forgot the keys for our trailer. So, he'll go back one more time this week to pick that up. I know I've said this before, but that should be the last time at that house! We even left the keys on the table for the new owner. Bill will probably go back on Wednesday night-- because he is going to go to his Men's Group meeting on Wednesday. The guys requested he come one last time so that they could say goodbye.

The kids and I took the time to say a prayer while at the Simi house, thanking God for our memories made there. And we asked God to bless the new owner there as well as our family at our new house. It was a sweet moment!

More tomorrow...

Much Love,

1 comment:

2Bears said...

so happy to hear "no more pain"! Yay! Saying good bye to your house - again - must be so hard. I know how much work you put into it. I'm sure your new house, a new beginning, will also bring new and wonderful memories! Peace! Lisa