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Monday, September 7, 2009


Hi Friends!

Our internet just got hooked up, so I now am able to communicate via blog again. And the kids have their PRECIOUS TVs back. Cameron was counting the day, let me tell you :-) I'll try and get back to blogging daily again, but I just wanted to let you know we are all still alive and well.

We have been settling in and unpacking here, and we are making great progress. Bill has been back to Simi Valley each day -- usually bringing a kid or two along. They brought a big load from the garage last night. I am told that all that is left is what's in the backyard shed there. UGH!! And then Bill will do a final sweep of the house. I'm worried about him, because he's been putting in really long hours and doing a lot of the moving work on his own. I wish I could help more.

Cameron started school at Channel Island High School on Tuesday, and he is doing well. He has some interesting and challenging classes, including Marine Biology, Psychology, English Literature, Algebra, and US History. He seems to be adjusting well -- or as well as possible for Cameron. He is definitely enjoying having his own room!

The boys are enjoying their master suite, and they are cleaner than I ever thought was possible. They sometimes take 3 or more baths a day in the soaking tub. But, I'm fine with that! Now if I could just get Cameron to like bathing or even showering that much! The little boys love riding their bikes around the area. We have several parks nearby, so they have a lot of freedom here!

Molly continues to be my sweet little angel, and she has been lots of help with the unpacking and organizing. She, too, loves her new room, and she and Cam share a bathroom with double sinks
-- so having 3 full bathrooms (with 5 sinks -- Bill and I manage to share!) is a definite upgrade for all of us!

Tomorrow, Nate, Isaac, and Molly will begin homeschooling. We'll be using the ABeka curriculum again, and I think we're all excited to get started. I'm not sure if we'll get a ton accomplished tomorrow as I have a doctor's appointment with Dr. Cohen at 9:30 a.m. (Annie is going to come and take me. And Bill can work from home in the morning.) I have big plans for the afternoon though -- we're going to have a hands-on science day and plant gardens in our window planters. We will also set up school rules and guidelines and maybe explore the local library for reading material.

I need to sign off for now. Bill is going to take me grocery shopping. Also, I need to help the kids with final clean-up on their rooms, so that we're set and ready for our first week "Back to School."

Much Love,

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