Hi Friends!
Sorry, I haven't blogged for a while. I've been busy nursing Isaac back to health. On Sunday night, he was playing in his bed -- the top bunk of bunk beds he shares with Cam. He ended up falling out of his bed, and he landed with both of his hands bent backwards at the wrist. One is sprained and one is broken. So, he's needing a lot of assistance with his daily activities. And Bill has a major ear infection. When he went in to the doctor yesterday, they gave him antibiotics and a dose of steroids. After his dose of steroids, he was up until 4 a.m. So, he now has a new understanding for what steroids are like. Besides that I have a kidney infection going, so we're really a sorry bunch!
Other than that, we haven't been up to much. On Sunday we went to see Despereaux at the movie theater, and then we ate dinner at McDonald's. Since all the injuries, we have been just hanging around home. I have managed to start walking again with Judi. And Bill has been in to work yesterday and today.
I'll try to write more tomorrow on New Year's Eve.
Much Love,
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