Well, better late than never! I am finally starting to feel like it's Christmas. Sorry, I haven't written for a while. I've spent the week recovering from chemo. It was definitely better to only do the one day of chemo without the IV steroids. I just hope the lupus symptoms stay away, so that I can continue this course of treatment. Although the steroids can be fun, what with the slanty floors and slurred speech -- when you crash, you really crash and burn!
On a good note -- without the steroids to make me obsessively clean, I have resisted the urge to clean my house. I've let Bill and the kids trash it. By yesterday, I was ready for an outing though ~ so Annie and I did some Christmas shopping. We went to Kohl's and the 99 cents store. We are giving our kids money this year, but I wanted to pick up a few things from Santa to put under the tree. I might have gotten a bit carried away, but it was fun -- and a few hundred dollars later we came home, and we spent hours wrapping it all up. We eventually ran out of wrapping paper, but not to worry -- we finished today!
Today was the last day of school for the kids before Christmas Break. Isaac and Nate got done at noon, and they both had Christmas parties at Grace Brethren. I was feeling up to going, so Judi took me to their parties, and we spent the morning there. Brandon had the day off of school due to snow in Palmdale, so he came over for the day. The boys spent the afternoon playing with Brandon. The highlight of their day was when Bill came home, and they all spray-painted their skateboards with glow-in-the-dark spray-paint. Shirlene took Nate and Isaac to Palmdale to spend the night after she finished with work. So, hopefully right now Brandon, Nate, and Isaac are having fun playing in the snow!
Molly and Cameron had school until the regular time -- 3 p.m., and Bill picked them both up (but separately) on his motorcycle. Molly was thrilled because Chris (the boy she likes) saw her on the motorcycle. Now, the older kids are both enjoying a quiet evening without their younger siblings!
We continue to be well cared for by our church family! Dinner has been provided for us all week. We also received a bunch of groceries today from the deacons, and a "gift card tree" was delivered to us by our favorite deacon, Skip! It was a small Christmas tree with quite a few gift cards on it. I am always blown away by how much God cares for us!
Judi took pictures of me with the boys at school today. So, I'll try to get those from her soon and post them on this blog. I am going to sign off for now.
Much Love,
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