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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Dr. Silverman and Michele's uterus...

Hi Friends!

I'm trying to get back on the blogwagon -- so here's what's going on today. I just sent the kids and Bill off to school and work, and I am waiting for Annie (my Alice) to come and drive me to see the gynecologist, Dr. Silverman. (Always fun, isn't it ladies???) Today I need to have a uterine biopsy done as I've had some unexplained bleeding after menopause and apparently my uterine lining is much thicker than it should be. I am followed closely by the gynecologist, because the chemotherapy (Rituxan) which is currently saving me from my lupus -- ironically puts me at increased risk for breast, cervical, uterine, and bladder cancer.

So, that will be our fun outing for today. I am really not feeling well. Super bad lupus headache and chest pain. So, yeah -- why not throw in messing with my uterus??? Wednesday I go back to the cardiologist and to see Dr. Cohen. And Thursday I am doing my second cycle of Rituxan at Los Robles. And then on Monday, the 22nd, I am seeing the neurologist for brain testing. I also have a cystoscopy scheduled with the urologist that day. If you've never had a camera put into your bladder just for fun -- well, that's probably a good thing:-) I don't recommend it, but I do it cuz it would be silly to die of bladder cancer which is usually easily treatable.

Bill is looking for a replacement vehicle to buy since I torched our Expedition. We have 2 more weeks left with our rental of an Expedition -- so hopefully, he'll find something soon...

More tomorrow, I hope ---

Much Love,

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