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Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hi Friends!

I haven't blogged for a while... so much to say and so little energy to recap all that I have done. Since I last blogged, I was blessed with a day at DisneyLand with Annie, Nate, and Isaac. It was a beautiful day filled with precious memories...and thanks to God and his angel (Annie), I was able to fulfill a promise made in 2009 to take all the kids to DisneyLand. We also spent a weekend out on the land and it was wonderful. Being out there in the vastness of nature and standing on the site where we will build our home -- well, it helps me to remember what the dream is and why we're making sacrifices to get there. I took tons of pictures and posted them on FB, so if you aren't following on FB -- I'd encourage you to do so. It's too time-consuming for me to post the photos here.

As far as my health...I'm slated for chemo in October...I have good days and bad. I hope the methotrexate (chemo pills) are working, but it's too soon to tell. I take it every Saturday and the side effects aren't very pleasant -- makes me sick to my stomach and depletes all my energy.

So, I focus on the good -- not the bad. I've recently gotten e-mails from several friends where they do the ABCs of themselves. This is mine... and I'm sharing it with you all. Don't take it too seriously. I went with my first impressions for each letter and did it quickly while the boys were playing at the park this afternoon. BTW -- the boys wrote poetry today, too. And I guess I was struck with the simplicity of doing my own ABCs for self-reflection at the beginning of the schoolyear.

Much Love,



A westruck by the beauty of nature.

B oys -- I have 3 active, dirty, fun-loving, wonderful boys named Cameron (Cam), Nathaniel (Nate), and Isaac (usually Isaac, but sometimes, Zac).

C ats -- Itty Bitty Kitty (IBK) and Mr. Bojangles (BoBo) are my sweet and special kitty cats.

D og -- I have one dog named Bingo and he's a chocolate lab.

E arth is my temporary home...I treasure it and take care of it because God made it, but I believe that heaven is where I belong.

F unny -- Life is fun and funny. I laugh every day:-)

G irl -- I have one girly-girl, my daughter Molly who is lovely, kind, and musical.

H ero/husband -- My dear husband is Bill and we've been married almost 20 years. He's the SuperMan to my Lois Lane.

I ce Cream can make anything better, especially if it's chocolate.

J oy is a choice and can be found no matter what your circumstance:-)

K iss -- it never gets old to kiss SuperMan (review H for Husband/Hero) and my children are never too old for my kisses...shh!!! sometimes I have to kiss the older ones while they sleep:-)

L upus...need I say more...the gift that keeps on giving, and yes -- I am serious!

M om -- the 2nd best job I've ever had...(see W for the 1st)

N ormal is just a setting on your dryer!!!

O range is my favorite color.

P rincess -- Everyone should have one and mine is Molly.

Q ueen -- That's me and I'm blessed to have a family who treats me like one.

R ight is a word that people use too frequently and often for the WRONG reasons.

S hel is what those who love me call me.

T rees -- Love them and The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein, is my favorite book of all time.

U nique -- I take pleasure in my uniqueness...being complicated is a compliment!

V icariously -- I have mastered the art of living vicariously through others and their adventures. So, thanks to all my FB friends for taking me along where you go!

W ife -- The first best job I ever had.(See M for the 2nd)

eXceptional -- The life that my God has gifted me with.

Y o yo -- I feel like I'm a yo-yo with my health, but I focus on the ups, not the downs!

Z oo -- My house, My life ... It's a zoo. I want it that way. You may not get it, but it works for me


So, I dare you to do your ABC's...people are always sending random e-mails, why not send something that gives others insight into who you really are:-)

Love, Shel

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