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Thursday, June 10, 2010


Hi Friends,

I was really wiped out by the end of yesterday. It just seemed busier than I had planned -- got up at 6:45, took Cam to school; then came home and dealt with doctors, health insurances and services (never solving the problems); then picked up Cam from school; supervised the children and mothered many who weren't my own from the neighborhood (who were all having problems they needed to talk with a Mom-like figure about); helped Cameron with his history final project (which took hours); and ended the night feeding my kids plus three neighbor kids and taking them to church activities in the evening. Then we did a Bible study at church, delivered the kids back home, worked on finishing Cam's homework with him -- I fell asleep at 10:15, and I think there were still some children up. Somewhere in there, we did some learning with the homeschoolers and their household chores, too. Anyway, by the end of the night -- it was obvious that my lupus symptoms were flaring due to my day. I was tempted to say "I did too much today." But upon reflection, I decided it was a busy, productive day and I did what needed to be done. So, while I wish my body would let me do more -- I just have to take it easy today in order to recover a bit.

So, today Bill took Cam to school and stopped at a drive-through for breakfast. Tomorrow is grocery-shopping day for Bill, and it would seem the cupboards are bare. The homeschoolers and I slept in. And I got up by noon to make some sub sandwiches for lunch. Bill dropped Cam off at 1:30 and then headed back to work. My head is still killing me -- so I'm in my Pjs and moving very slowly. Annie called and offered to come over, so that will be nice. Bill is going to Poker Night tonight with some friends from work. So, Annie and I are going to go pick up Big Gulps and get something easy to feed the kids for dinner tonight. And it'll be nice to have another adult to hang out with for the evening -- even if we just lounge in bed and watch a movie.

On that note, I'm going to do my Bible reading and then get dressed before Annie gets here. Have a great day...more tomorrow...

Much Love,

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