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Monday, September 28, 2009

In the Hospital Again...

Well, Michele is back in the hospital. She did finish her final round of chemo but her compromised immune system couldn't fight a kidney infection. She is responding slowly to treatment at Los Robles Hospital in Thousand Oaks. She will probably be there all week. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hi Friends,

It's been a busy week, and I guess I haven't got around to blogging. So, let me catch you up on what we've been doing. Bill went to China Lake for work on Monday and Tuesday. Both days he caught a flight on base to and from there. It's a 20 minute flight from one base to the other! He left early in the morning and got home late both nights, leaving me on Cam's school drop-off and pick-up.

Monday we did school with the highlight being watching the Left Behind II: Tribulation Force. We've been learning about the Book of Revelation in Bible class. We also took Itty Bitty Kitty to get her shots on Monday.

Tuesday we had the day from HELL at Western Dental here in Oxnard. I had made appointments for cleanings/check-ups for Molly and Isaac at 9:30 a.m. After 3 hours of waiting, we had only gotten xrays done, and the kids had been laying in dental chairs for over an hour waiting for a dentist to see them. We finally just left without even exams or cleanings. It was truly horrible. I called my dentist in Simi Valley and made appointments with him for all the kids next month. I'd rather drive to Simi, visit friends, and have a nice dentist -- instead of dealing with such a long wait and terrible customer service.

The good thing about Tuesday was that we hired a cleaning service. Starting in October, we will have weekly cleaners coming on Mondays. And that will make me VERY happy.

Annie came last night after dinner and brought me a Big Gulp. I hadn't had one since the last time she was here. So, that was very nice. She stayed with the kids this morning and took Cameron to school this morning while Bill took me to UCLA.

I had an 8:30 appointment with Dr. Karpouzas this morning. We had to leave our house at 6:45, which was way too early! My appointment went very well. Dr. Karpouzas OK'd me to stop chemo after the 9 cycles that I've already done. He is going to manage my lupus with CellCept (oral medication) instead to keep the CNS lupus from attacking my organs again. I'll be on it for at least one year and we'll have to do bloodwork every 2 weeks to make sure my blood counts are OK. He was happy that my fibromyalgia meds are working well and that the steroids controlled my last flare. But he doesn't want to keep using pulse steroids on me, since they're so hard on the body. According to him, most people with lupus have a flare about every 16 months -- but it generally doesn't attack organs. So, with the Cytoxan done and on the CellCept, we should be able to control the beast a bit better. I feel confident in his plan. I will continue to see him every 3 months and Dr. Cohen every 2-4 weeks. I definitely have a good team.

By the time Bill and I got back from UCLA, it was almost noon. Annie and I took the kids to McDonald's for lunch, and then we went to a Children's Museum here in town. There were a lot of hands-on exhibits and the kids had a very good time. We stayed all afternoon until it was time to pick up Cameron from school.

After picking up Cam from school and getting home at about 4 p.m. -- I was very tired, so I lay down for about an hour. I got up at 5 p.m. in order to break up a fight between Nate and Isaac. We ate left-overs for dinner and have just been hanging out. The kids are thrilled to have Annie here, because we all have missed her.

Bill is in Simi Valley. He drove there after work to give the new owners of the Fletcher house their keys. And then he was going to his Men's Group. So, hopefully he'll be home soon. Right now the kids are off to bed, and I think I'll be following soon. I have a bladder infection. YUCK! Just when I thought I was doing so well -- my bladder rebels! Oh well! My doctors let me keep meds on hand for that as I get them so frequently.

Have a great night :-)

Much Love,

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Hi Friends ...

We got up this morning at 9 a.m., so that we could leave for church by 10 a.m. We went to the 11:00 service at our former church in Simi Valley -- it's now called Stonebridge, used to be Simi Prez. Bill and I drove separately. It was a big accomplishment for me to be able to drive again, and I realized while driving there -- I now have no pain at all! Praise God!

We enjoyed the church service and touched base with some friends there. After church, we drove over to Burger King for lunch. The kids are now big fans of Burger King "doublestackers," so they chose the restaurant. After BK, we split up. Bill took Nate and Molly. They stopped at Sandy's house to deliver her Bat Mitzvah gift. They also went to Target for meds and the Do-It-Center for pool supplies. I took Cam and Isaac to GameStop where they spent some of their allowance money.

We then met up at our old house in Simi. I guess, technically, it's still our house until the new owner signs his papers. Latest estimate -- he should close towards the end of this week.

Bill cut up the old jacuzzi and set it out for the trash company to pick up. He also had to spend most of the day treating the pool, which had turned majorly green. We had the electricity turned off a week ago, thinking that the new owner would be moving in. So, since that didn't happen -- we ended up with the heat and no electricity to run the pump, causing a very green pool.

Simi is VERY hot right now. The kids and I said hi to some of our former neighbors -- and then we headed home. We ended up back in Oxnard at around 3:30 p.m. The heat really wiped me out, so I just relaxed and lay around for the rest of the day. The kids went to the park for a bit, but other than that -- we didn't do much.

We ate left-overs for dinner, and we are hoping that Bill makes it home soon. Unfortunately, he forgot the keys for our trailer. So, he'll go back one more time this week to pick that up. I know I've said this before, but that should be the last time at that house! We even left the keys on the table for the new owner. Bill will probably go back on Wednesday night-- because he is going to go to his Men's Group meeting on Wednesday. The guys requested he come one last time so that they could say goodbye.

The kids and I took the time to say a prayer while at the Simi house, thanking God for our memories made there. And we asked God to bless the new owner there as well as our family at our new house. It was a sweet moment!

More tomorrow...

Much Love,

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Hi Friends ...

Well, I got a lot accomplished around the house today. And I went for a really long walk with Molly. All the while I was listening to music on my phone. Bill had downloaded a bunch of music onto my phone last year when I was really sick, and I've added a few songs. But I had never really spent a day listening to them all. It was nice and really put me in a good mood. Bill grilled out tonight -- fish, hotdogs, hamburgers and a bunch of side items. I'm getting spoiled with him doing so much cooking :-)

Anyway -- the song that really spoke to me today was "By Your Side," done by Tenth Avenue North. My friend Annie introduced me to this song a few months back, but it never spoke to me like it did today. When I heard it, I just felt very blessed to be in this world with a loving God.
So, I want to share the lyrics with you and strongly encourage you to download it yourself if you don't already have/know it.



Why are you striving these days?
Why are you trying to earn grace?
Why are you crying?
Let me lift up your face,
Just don't turn away.

Why are you looking for love?
Why are your still searching as if I'm not enough?
To where will you go, child?
Tell me where will you run,
To where will you run?

And I'll be by your side,
Wherever you fall,
In the dead of night,
Whenever you call.
And please don't fight,
These hands that are holding you.
My hands are holding you.

Look at these hands and my side.
They swallowed the grave on that night.
When I drank the world's sin,
So I could carry you in,
And give you life.
I want to give you life.

And I'll be by your side,
Wherever you fall,
In the dead of night,
Whenever you call.
And please don't fight,
These hands that are holding you.
My hands are holding you.

And I'll be by your side,
Wherever you fall,
In the dead of night,
Whenever you call.
And please don't fight,
These hands that are holding you.
My hands are holding you.

Cause, I, I love you.
I want you to know,
That, I, I love you.
I'll never let go.

And I'll be by your side,
Wherever you fall,
In the dead of night,
Whenever you call.
And please don't fight,
These hands that are holding you.
My hands are holding you.

And I'll be by your side,
Wherever you fall,
In the dead of night,
Whenever you call.
And please don't fight,
These hands that are holding you.
My hands are holding you.

***How often do we fight the very hands that are holding us? It's my prayer tonight that you will take a minute and feel the very hands that are holding YOU.
Love, Michele XOXO


Hi Friends,

I am feeling really good today. Bill is working on some unpacking and organizing. The kids are all happy and doing their own things. I am going to work a little bit around the house today. Nate and Isaac need some help tidying up their enormous room. And I started doing laundry last night, but I ended up tired and quitting in the middle. So, hopefully I can get caught up on laundry today.

Bill and I slept in -- although he was up before me. After I got up, we ran a few errands. We needed to go to Bank of America and close our accounts there, because we now use USAA for all of our banking. Since the Bank of America accounts were joint, it required both of us driving there together to do it. So, we left the kids at home, and we had a nice little date! He also took me over to where the Public Library is. It's really close, but it looks really small. I'll check it out with the kids this week. Now that I'm feeling better, I'm looking forward to driving again and exploring our new area.

And although Annie had found me the nearest 7-11, Bill was on a quest to show me that other closer gas stations/convenience stores have good fountain drinks. So, we stopped at a nearby Circle K to check out his theory. I'm partially convinced -- It's not as good as the 7-11 Big Gulp -- not as many flavors to choose from. But I was able to put some lemon slurpee at the bottom of my large Diet Coke. It turned out pretty well, and I have to say the store was clean and products cheaper than at 7-11. It's right around the corner from our new house, so I MAY start to frequent it. We'll see!

I need to sign off and do my weekly meds. Bill must feel my mind has come back, because I'm now allowed to do the weekly med containers for me, Nate, and Cam. I'm sure he's relieved to get at least one thing off his plate.

The temperature is beautiful here in Oxnard -- In the 70s at the warmest part of the day and an ocean breeze all the time. Last night we even had the fireplace going. I miss all my friends from Simi, but I don't miss the Simi Valley weather. In Simi Valley, this is the hottest part of the year. Temperatures are so hot and it's like living in a dust bowl! Not a great place for someone with hot flashes and who's supposed to stay out of the sun.

I'll blog again soon. Tomorrow we are going to brave the Simi heat and drive into our old church at Simi Prez (oops, I mean Stonebridge -- forgot about the name change :-) for service. Maybe we'll see some of you there. I think we're aiming for the 11 a.m. service.

Much Love,

Friday, September 18, 2009


Hi Friends,

I never got around to blogging yesterday, as I had a very upset stomach. I'm not sure what's going on -- whether it's flu-like, ulcer-like, or what? But I stopped taking some of the meds that are hard on my stomach today -- namely Naproxen, which I was taking for pain. Not so necessary anymore and my stomach seems to be feeling better. I had a slight fever this morning. That's actually a good sign for me as it means my immune system is coming back from the chemo. When I had pneumonia, my temp was 97, because I was so severely immune-compromised. My body couldn't fight anything off on its own (except me and my own VIP organs).

Anyway, I was up really late last night with the stomach problems and puking. So, I took it easy today. Bill was home as it's his day off, so he worked with the kids. And then we all watched the first Left Behind movie together and compared it to the Book of Revelation and other references in the Bible. It was really cool!

This afternoon after a bit more schoolwork, Bill dropped Molly, Isaac, and I off at Smart and Final to do some grocery shopping. He and Nate went to pick up Cameron from school, and then they all met up with us to finish up at the grocery store. It's been a LONG time since I've taken the entire family with me grocery shopping. And it was really quite fun! We had a good time with it.

After getting home, we unloaded groceries, did some chores, and then Bill took Nate and Isaac out to spend their allowance. Nate bought a video game, and Isaac didn't find anything, so he's saving his money for DisneyLand on Nate's birthday (Oct. 2nd). They got home and Bill made supper -- we had pizza and mozarella sticks.

Other news -- we had a major ant invasion in our kitchen today. I spent a lot of time eradicating the poor ant colony and trying to keep Itty Bitty Kitty out of the ant poison. There were a few ants when we moved in, but I think my family (with 4 messy and always hungry kids) was an ant colony's dream. Hopefully, the ant traps and poison work, because I don't like ants under my kitchen sink.

Right now I have the fireplace going, the kids are watching TV, and Bill is installing a ceiling fan in the living room. The landlords provided two for us when we moved in, and Bill had not had a chance to install them yet.

This weekend Bill is going to Simi Valley to treat the pool with chemicals. Just talked with Judi and it had turned really green because we had the electricity turned off. We also have 2 large items ( a jacuzzi and a desk) that need to be hauled to the dump. And lucky us, this weekend brings Simi's "Free Dump Day." The buyer had a few glitches with his financing, and he basically came up $4,000 short. But we've been assured that he will finalize the closing in the next week. We value the time spent in the Simi house and friends made there, but we're anxious to close that chapter in our lives. And it just seems to be dragging on. I mean really, we've been out of our old house and into this one as of the 1st. We definitely could've throttled back had we known the closing would take SO long.

Other than that, I don't have any big plans for the weekend. Just hanging out with the kids!

Much Love,

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hi Friends!

Today was a good day, and we seem to have settled into a homeschool routine. We all got our work done, and we were over at the park by 1:30 p.m. I am feeling so good, and Molly and I walked laps around the park while the boys played.

Bill picked up Cameron after school and delivered him home. It's really nice to have him so close to where we live. He ended up going back to work until later in the day. I did some major organizing in the dining room today, and I even made dinner for everyone.

We had a nice family dinner, and then Bill and several of the kids went grocery shopping for a few things. Right now he's unpacking some more STUFF ... and I'm going to put the kids to bed.

So, I guess it's been a good, average, normal day ... I feel blessed!

Much Love,

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hi Friends!

I finally fell asleep last night by 3 a.m. I didn't even hear Cam and Bill leave for work and school this morning. But I did wake up on-schedule for homeschooling by 9 a.m.

We started today with a movie and then a trip to the park to get our energy out! I had a lot of energy myself -- so maybe it was for me? -- and did some laps around the park while the kids played. And I surprised the kids by riding Nate's bike home. They thought it was just hilarious that I could ride a kid's bike. I did get a few odd looks from my new neighbors :-0 Oh Well!!!

We came home and continued our schooling, and the day seemed to go rather uneventfully! But in a good way! Everyone did a lot of reading today, and that's always my favorite. Molly, in particular, has some great literature selections, so I get to live vicariously through her.

I was doing pretty well with no crying -- until Bill got stuck at work, leaving Cameron stranded at school for almost an hour. I didn't do well with that, and I had no way to pick Cam up. Luckily, Mom was more traumatized than Cameron! And he did finally make it home.

I spent this evening working in the living room, which is in desperate need of clean-up, organizing, etc. I am hoping to hire a housecleaner this week, but I will need to at least clear a path for her! I ended up ordering pizza for dinner, because Bill had to go to Simi for a Scout meeting. It seems Cam is able to quit Scouts, but Bill can't quit until December when his replacement for Committee Chair takes over. He's only going to one meeting a month, but still it seems ridiculous to me! Anyway, Bill was going to make Cam go to one last meeting today -- because it was Court of Honor and he was getting his last awards/badges. But Cameron really didn't want to go, so I vetoed it, making his day and even scoring a hug from my non-affectionate teenager!

In another crying jag, it seems Cam started "Tuesdays with Morrie" in his Film Adaptation class today. He had me crying like a baby at dinner tonight as we were discussing life and death. So, I told him that I titled my blog for the day in his honor. Poor child -- he'll be really glad when I stop randomly crying!

Other than that -- same old stuff is going on here. I've already taken my Ambien for the night in hopes of falling to sleep before 3 a.m. tonight. Wish me luck!

Much Love,


Hi Friends,

After Molly saw what fun the boys had posting their fishing stories, she has decided to post a report she's been working on. It's about Siamese cats ...


THE SIAMESE CAT, by Molly Michele Bland...

The Siamese cat is one of my favorite breeds. It has lovely, blue almond eyes and a short, silky coat. Combine this beauty, an intelligient mind, and a unique personality -- It would be a great pet! The Siamese cat was originally from Thailand (or it was known as Siam in the late eighteen hundreds).

The Siam People decided to give England a gift, " the Siamese cat." They wanted to show the world what this cat could do. And after a while, the Siamese cat started to be in English cat shows in the early twentieth century. I think this cat would be great in cat shows!

This breed of cat has many shapes and many colors, like brown or black or bluish-white bodies. They can even have a pinkish body and gray feet. This is delicate color. This cat may have long legs, but it has a very good balance!

This ancient breed, which is perhaps the oldest of all cats, is able to communicate like no other. They are able to speak with their voices and body language.

In conclusion, this cat is good in shows, but is also very lovely. I would love to have a cat like that, but I already have one in my mind. They are a "People's cat" for they love to be on your lap, on your bed, at the table and in your heart!


Hi Friends,

I hope you liked the blog with Nate and Isaac's "fish stories" from earlier. The pictures are cute, aren't they?

I'm up and apparently still on the steroid roller coaster. I cannot fall asleep even though I've taken an Ambien -- which is a sleeping pill. Maybe I won't remember this in the morning. Ambien is the drug that they warn about sleep-walking, sleep-driving, etc. while you're on it. I've never done those type of things. But I have done sleep-laundry and talked on the phone while on Ambien before. Then later you have no memory of it. So, best case scenario -- I'm really asleep right now and just sleep-typing. Highly unlikely, though?!

So, today had its ups and downs. We're adjusting to being back in the schooling routine. Surprisingly, Molly and Nate are very cooperative, but Isaac was a little spitfire today! And I didn't have much energy to deal with him. I think it turned out OK though, and Nate gave me a peptalk -- told me that Isaac was very "challenging" and "just needs to get with the routine." Molly's books came today -- Thank God!

Other than that, I just randomly cry while coming off the steroids. I cried because Bill went to get a haircut at SuperCuts and that made me miss Shirlene who usually cuts everyone's hair. I also cried when Bill brought me Diet Dr. Pepper. And then when I found out Patrick Swayze died -- Well, you would have thought he was my best friend! I cried and cried! Everything is just so EMOTIONAL when you're super-charged on steroids!

But good news -- no headache or joint pain at all. So, the steroid therapy worked as it should. And I even lost 5 more pounds rather than gaining weight in steroid hunger, because I was afraid to eat anything but veggies due to my diabetes. I have gotten really puffy -- my neck and face were swollen and hurting due to the high dosage, but Bill said I look better today. Wait a minute -- He probably is just trying to keep me from crying anymore than I already was. Smart Man!

Cam had a ton of homework tonight. But he really plugged in and worked on it from 4-7p.m., getting it all done. He's very animated about his film adaptation, pscyhology, and marine biology classes. And I was so proud, because he shared this with me after doing 30 definitions for history -- "I know the other kids can do it faster, but I wouldn't say that makes them smarter than me ... it just takes me more time." I heartily agreed. It has always been my dream that he would be excited about learning and just embrace his autism as part of the way God made him.

Thank God for the little things...

Much Love,

Monday, September 14, 2009


Hi Friends,

I'm feeling relatively normal and we're up and home-schooling and trying to have a "normal" today. The boys had a great time fishing yesterday, so they're dictating their experiences of yesterday for English class today. Enjoy :-)


First, we got up at 4 a.m. and took an hour-long ride to the ocean. We got on the boat. They passed out pieces of paper, and we each had a number. We used the numbers to get food.

After we got to the fishing spot, we each grabbed a fishing rod and started to fish. We caught 6 fish. They were barracuda bass. Then at the front of the boat, someone caught a fish that was 4 feet long!!! They paid $5 to get it cut up and put in a bag. We got our fish cut up, too.

There was a restaurant on the boat. I had a hamburger and a soda. I also had a Snickers bar.

Then they started to go to the harbor. Once they parked, we got out and drove home. We took our fish home, but only Dad wants to eat it. Really, we only caught it for him! I enjoyed my fishing trip, and I hope I get to go again soon.

--By Nathaniel R. Bland

We got up at 4 in the morning. We left our house and got to the place. We stopped at McDonald's for a little breakfast snack.

And then the boat arrived. We got on board and we got our numbers. Nate was #18, I was #19, and Dad was #20. Then we got to see the bait. We used live bait. We stabbed the bait on the foreheads because that's the hard spot and they can't get the hook off. So after a while, they give up and just try to swim away. Then you usually get a bite.

So after 2 hours, we arrived at the fishing area. We moved to deeper water so we could catch bigger fish. The deep water was about 2 miles deep, but the anchor could make it all the way to the bottom! But we caught all our fish in the shallow area.

When you get a fish, it pulls really hard and you have to use all your muscle. It was hard, but I liked it.

Then we ate some lunch at the restaurant on the ship. The cheeseburgers there were the best, and they had a real grill.

Then after a while we started to head home. It was a long drive home. But we got in the car and left for our real home. Mom was glad to see us! I had fun!

--by Isaac John Bland

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Hi Friends,

I'm doing fairly well today after treatment -- just riding the highs and lows of my steroids and blood sugar. I got a good night's sleep and woke up at 7 a.m. I checked my blood sugar, which was super-high, and so took a glyburide to lower it. Something told me ( I'm not a novice anymore) to eat a banana at the same time so that I'm wouldn't drift off into a diabetic coma back in bed. Fast forward to 9 a.m., when I wake up for real for the morning -- take my meds, and test my blood sugar again. It's 81 -- good number, but definitely good I ate the banana. So, I'm filled with steroid energy and decide we all need breakfast. I decide to make cinnamon rolls and check e-mail while they're baking. Only about 1/2 later I realize I can't think and am shaking -- blood sugar in the 40s, not good. So, I drink 2 sodas and eat 2 cinnamon rolls to get it back up to the 80s again. Bill says no more glyburide for the day. Better to keep the numbers high, than low -- I'm less likely to die. And as the steroids leave my body, the numbers should get better! If it gets super-high again, I can always take half a pill.

My mood has been fairly good. I've resisted the urge to clean the house obsessively. Instead, I talked to friends on the phone. I also received a bunch of the kids' homeschooling books today, so I lay in bed reading and researching for this year's curriculum. The timing was good on that! It gave me something to do which didn't require a lot of energy. I even managed an afternoon nap.

Mostly I'm just trying to stay in my room and rest as the steroids make me jumpy, which makes it difficult to deal with the kids even when they're just being kids. And they are being good! So, Cam and Molly are babysitting the boys nicely. Bill is in Simi (for hopefully the last time)finishing up on the house. He should be back in a few hours.

Tomorrow, Bill, Nate, and Isaac are going on a deep-sea fishing trip on a chartered boat. It's through Cam's old Boy Scout trip in Simi, but it's really not Cam's type of thing. For, Bill, Nate, and Isaac, however, it's a dream come true! Hopefully, it will be a nice time of bonding, and I can even count it as a home-schooling field trip, since we were off to a slow start this week.

I am now going to go back to bed and rest some more. I am hoping to take it easy today and tomorrow, and then maybe be back to somewhat normal by Monday. Annie says she'll come back on Monday if I need her. I really do have the best friends EVER :-)

Much Love,

P.S. -- Hopefully, tomorrow Bill can post some deep-sea fishing pictures of him and the boys!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Hi Friends,

This again will be short, but at least I have use of both arms to type today. My good vein held up, and they were able to use it for treatment today. Praise God! And I was cleared from doing the Cytoxan (chemo drug) for this round. I don't have to do anymore Cytoxan until Dr. Karpouzas sees me on Sept. 28th at UCLA. So, with just the steroids, my recovery time will be shorter -- and I'll be hungry instead of puking. My hands, feet, knees, and head already feel better, so I guess it really was a lupus flare! It'll probably just be a weekend of mood swings and monitoring my blood sugar, and I should be back to my somewhat abnormal, (but normal for me) normal. That's what I call the "new normal!"

I slept well last night with the help of tranquilizers and sleeping pills. (Don't worry -- prescribed by my doctor's!) And I wasn't feeling well this morning, so I just stayed in bed until about noon. The kids were really good and did projects on their own. Isaac brought me breakfast in bed, Molly brought my pills, and even Nate came and watched TV with me for a while. At noon, I got up -- we had the kids do their chores and have lunch. Then I put on some clothes to go to treatment. All I could do was get dressed and brush my teeth and hair! No shower due to the IV port in my arm, and I was beet red from the steroids -- so makeup would have been pointless! It was one of those days that appearances don't matter.

Annie and I left for Thousand Oaks at 1:45 and I had my treatment at 2:15. Dr. Cohen had called in more diabetic meds for me -- so we also picked them up at the pharmacy near my oncologist. My blood sugar numbers grow higher as the steroids accumulate in my body. It doesn't seem to matter how well I eat or if I exercise.

I did the steroids and became somewhat manic. Talked to a really nice man getting treatment for prostate cancer. Dr. Menco thought I had a lot of energy, and he wanted to know if I could clean his whole office. Too funny :-)

Bill came home at 1:45 when Annie and I left, and he took over with the kids. He picked up Cameron from school. Then Cam and Molly stayed home while Bill brought Isaac and Nate to pick me up from treatment. That way Annie could go back to Simi Valley to meet her boyfriend,Allan, as they had plans for the weekend. Remember, this treatment was not originally planned for this week so we were all caught off guard. Now we're all at home, and I'm going to go lay down. Bill has plans to unload a last load from our moving trailer and start organizing the garage. This weekend he just has to go to Simi one last time for some final clean up and to do a repair on the pool. The new owners take possession of the house on Monday -- unless that changes again!

I'll try to blog more tomorrow.

Much Love,

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Hi Friends!

This will be short as I spent today as a human pincushion, and so I am forced to type one-handed. Annie took me to Dr. Menco's today for Day 2 of steroids by IV. My veins were more uncooperative than usual, and it took 3 tries to get one IV started. As a result, we want to keep that one nice vein for tomorrow's treatment. So, when I finished, after about 2 hours -- they left the needle in my vein, capped it off, and made it into a port for tomorrow. Not much fun as the vein is in the elbow of my right arm! It's very uncomfortable, and while I was very manic and happy earlier today, now I'm just alternating between steroid rage and weeping! YUCK!!!

After my treatment, Annie and I ate lunch. We then drove to Malibu to sign escrow papers on our Simi house. Bill met us there with the kids. Annie was kind enough to hang out with them in the air-conditioned truck watching DVDs and eating Jack in the Box while Bill and I signed the papers. Again, not good timing to be signing lots of papers, with a port in my right arm! But we got it done!

Then Bill took the kids home, and Annie and I went to pick up Cam from high school. She dropped me off at the way at a grocery store by his school so that I could do some shopping. The timing worked out well and I was done just as she showed up with Cam. Only one problem -- it was a Fresh and Easy store with only self-checkout and bagging. I guess I looked pretty pathetic with my cart of groceries and my heavily bandaged hand that I had to hold straight, because a nice manager came and helped me.

The kids and Annie helped with the groceries and we did some chores around home. I was starting to feel a bit obsessive and didn't want to go on a cleaning frenzy since I'm supposed to be keeping my arm straight -- so I decided to take the boys over to the fountain where there is a big walking/biking path. I did 4 rounds walking while they biked, and then I felt a bit better and came home.

Annie ordered Domino's for dinner -- surprising us all. So we had dinner and are now in the process of doing baths and bedtime. Bill and Isaac ran to the drugstore for me as I need more lancets for my diabetes meter. Can't wait to see what my numbers say! I tried to be good -- for breakfast an oatbran-blueberry muffin, for lunch a veggie sub on wheat, for dinner 2 slices of pizza and lots of carrots. But the steroids alone really elevate your blood sugar. So, more pricking tonight for the human pincushion! IVs, and lancets, and insulin! Oh my!

Annie took some pictures of me today, and she's going to add them for me. I need to go lay down.

Much Love,
P.S. -- Pictures of the plants are those potted by my sweet homeschoolers :-)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Hi Friends!

I take no responsibility for the content of today's blog as I am as of today the "crazy steroid lady" I got up at 8 a.m. crying because my headache was so bad. Bill, of course, always tells me matter-0f-factly that crying will only make it worse. But it just hurt so badly that I felt like I could only lay in bed and try not to throw up. So, I took 2 narcotics and 2 anti-nausea drugs and it took the pain down a couple notches -- like from a 10 to an 8. So, I was able to bathe, take my regular meds, drink lots of water ( in hopes of a good IV stick) and then leave with Annie at 9:45 for my 10:15 appointment. Bill took Cameron to school and then came home to work and homeschool the kids. He had high hopes of making it back to work, but that never happened --

Good news, they got my vein on the first stick, but because of my uncooperative veins and because it was my first steroid treatment in a while they ran the drip super slow, and I didn't make it home until almost 3 p.m. By that time Bill was gone picking up Cameron from school. (Praise God, he got a locker today. He ran really fast to beat the mob and was 5th in line. Now that's my boy:-) Molly was babysitting the little boys when we got home.

Annie took good care of me at my treatment. She brought me Jamba Juice for breakfast and Subway for lunch. And she even picked up donuts for the kids for an after-school treat and breakfast tomorrow. What a sweetie!

When we got home, I sent Molly off with the boys to the park and they stayed and played for several hours. By this time the steroids had really kicked in and I was jazzed. So, I went on a cleaning frenzy -- swept all my floors, emptied garbages, tidied up, did all the laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, watered flower, etc. I even made (with Annie's help) pork chops, seasoned potatoes, and corn for dinner. It was our first real dinner here in a long time. With all the moving, we've been eating out too much!

Bill was wiped out due to all his moving. He's been at the Simi house every night after work until about midnight. So, we didn't let him go tonight. Instead, we made him take a nap, and he slept from 4-9 p.m. We sign the escrow papers on the Fletcher house tomorrow afternoon, but the closing -- when they take possession, as it turns out, isn't officially until Monday. So, he's almost done and has a few more days to finish up.

I'm going to go now. All the little ones are tucked into bed. I need to go plan out Thursday and Friday with Annie and Bill. Tomorrow I have treatment at 9:30 a.m, and we sign the escrow papers at 1 p.m. Friday I have treatment at 2 p.m. I'm not sure if I'll have Solumedrol (the steroid) and Cytoxan (the chemo) on that day or not. Two of my doctors (Cohen and Karpouzas) are still in conflict. But, they promise to come to a consensus by Friday and let me and the oncologist know. And at this point, I figure they are WAY more qualified than me to make the decisions.

On a good note -- the steroid today took my pain way down -- like to a 2 or 3 (that's good enough as it never ever goes away), and the relief lasted until about 8:30 p.m. At that point, I had to take more Darvocet to at least numb it to a tolerable level. Tomorrow and Friday should get better as far as pain levels. Only problem is I'll become diabetic and have to do insulin for the rest of the week. Also, as previously mentioned -- I get very emotional and cry a lot on steroids. It's a real roller coaster. But it's the journey that God is using to refine my character. The kids and I decided today -- I'm a fragile butterfly struggling to come out of my lupus cocoon. So treat me with love and care.

Much Love to all of you, too.
Your Prayers Mean So Much to me.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hi Friends!

Today did not turn out at all as I expected -- but then you know what they say about the "best laid plans!" Annie arrived early in the morning, and we left for my appointment with Dr. Cohen at 9 a.m. The good news is that I am actually closer to his new office from my new home. It takes about 20 minutes to get there rather than the 30 minutes it used to. I talked with Dr. Cohen about my worsening headaches and the pain is severe again in my joints. So, he decided we needed to start Solumedrol (high-dose IV steroids) again ASAP. He is not sure whether we will continue with the Cytoxan or not as he is not sure it's helping. He was calling Dr. Menco (the oncologist) and Dr. Karpouzas (from UCLA) to get a group consensus. So, he sent me off with orders to get more lab tests -- the usuals before they blast me with all the toxic stuff. We went to the lab to get that done. Isaac had come along as he tends to worry about me when I go to the doctor's. We hit 7-11 on the way home, and then went to Taco Bell to bring lunch home for the home-schoolers who had been patiently waiting for me. Bill had stayed with Nate and Molly for a while, and then went off to work, leaving them home alone.

We had a nice lunch, and worked on some plans and class rules for homeschooling. Then we went to Home Depot to buy plants for our science project. We discussed the plants and planted 8 plants for Nate/Isaac's room. They got really into it:-) And we planted the two window boxes in our upper windows -- the laundry room and Cameron's room. Also, we planted a pretty pot for our front porch and our patio. That took quite a bit of time. After that the kids did their reading and some more schoolwork.

And then -- I received a call from Bill. My doctors called him to tell him that Solumedrol ASAP means they have scheduled me for 10:15 a.m tomorrow morning. Wait a minute -- what about my planning and my nesting? How will everyone survive without me for 3 days? But, I am blessed because Dr. Menco has agreed to do it in his office, so I won't have to be admitted to the hospital. I will get all the details on it from the doctors tomorrow -- as far as whether I need to do the Cytoxan, too. Dr. Cohen is now talking about an experimental treatment for lupus that may work for me at UCLA -- but that's up to Dr. Karpouzas. I have an appointment at UCLA on Sept. 28th and then back to Dr. Cohen on Sept. 30th for the new master plan. I really do trust my doctors though -- they are all great. So, I took a tranquilizer to deal with my unexpected news and decided to trust God! He knows what I need and will give me the faith/grace to deal with it all.

Tonight Bill and Nate are at Simi Valley loading the last of the last of the stuff -- I hope. We sign papers and close escrow on Thursday of the week. So, all of our stuff needs to be out and the house needs to be ready by 11 p.m. I hope they will get most of it done tonight.

Annie is spending the night, and she will take me to my oncology appointment tomorrow. Bill will have the homeschoolers. And Cameron will be the only one having a normal day at Channel Islands High School. Lucky him!

Funny story: Cameron still doesn't have a locker at his high school. He bought a lock and got a receipt for it. And he was supposed to turn in the receipt and get assigned a locker. But he couldn't figure out how to do it. So, today after school, Bill went and helped him stand in the very long line after school with tons of other kids. After waiting 45 minutes, and with about 75 people left in the line --- the announcement was made --"We're out of lockers. Come back tomorrow!" Apparently they'll have more lockers tomorrow. I truly don't get it. But Cameron will be standing in that line every day after school until he gets one. We told him he needs to get there as quick as possible tomorrow now that he knows where to go. So, even poor Cameron has some stress these days!

I'll write more tomorrow after my treatment if I'm up for it. The steroids are bad. They give you frantic energy and make you very emotional. But Please God, I just need the headaches to go away!

Much Love,

Monday, September 7, 2009


Hi Friends!

Our internet just got hooked up, so I now am able to communicate via blog again. And the kids have their PRECIOUS TVs back. Cameron was counting the day, let me tell you :-) I'll try and get back to blogging daily again, but I just wanted to let you know we are all still alive and well.

We have been settling in and unpacking here, and we are making great progress. Bill has been back to Simi Valley each day -- usually bringing a kid or two along. They brought a big load from the garage last night. I am told that all that is left is what's in the backyard shed there. UGH!! And then Bill will do a final sweep of the house. I'm worried about him, because he's been putting in really long hours and doing a lot of the moving work on his own. I wish I could help more.

Cameron started school at Channel Island High School on Tuesday, and he is doing well. He has some interesting and challenging classes, including Marine Biology, Psychology, English Literature, Algebra, and US History. He seems to be adjusting well -- or as well as possible for Cameron. He is definitely enjoying having his own room!

The boys are enjoying their master suite, and they are cleaner than I ever thought was possible. They sometimes take 3 or more baths a day in the soaking tub. But, I'm fine with that! Now if I could just get Cameron to like bathing or even showering that much! The little boys love riding their bikes around the area. We have several parks nearby, so they have a lot of freedom here!

Molly continues to be my sweet little angel, and she has been lots of help with the unpacking and organizing. She, too, loves her new room, and she and Cam share a bathroom with double sinks
-- so having 3 full bathrooms (with 5 sinks -- Bill and I manage to share!) is a definite upgrade for all of us!

Tomorrow, Nate, Isaac, and Molly will begin homeschooling. We'll be using the ABeka curriculum again, and I think we're all excited to get started. I'm not sure if we'll get a ton accomplished tomorrow as I have a doctor's appointment with Dr. Cohen at 9:30 a.m. (Annie is going to come and take me. And Bill can work from home in the morning.) I have big plans for the afternoon though -- we're going to have a hands-on science day and plant gardens in our window planters. We will also set up school rules and guidelines and maybe explore the local library for reading material.

I need to sign off for now. Bill is going to take me grocery shopping. Also, I need to help the kids with final clean-up on their rooms, so that we're set and ready for our first week "Back to School."

Much Love,