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Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Hi Friends,

I'm just going to write a bit before going back to bed. I'm still feeling very sick to my stomach and headachy today. When Bill got up at 7 a.m. for work, I sent him downstairs for Vicodin (for headache) and Zofran (anti-nausea) pills. Then I went back to bed until about 10:30 when the kids started waking up. I know, it's great because we're still on a summer sleeping schedule :-)

The kids did their chores and had a brunch-type meal. Then, Annie took my kids and Judi's kids to the park. They all seemed to have a good time. Cameron stayed home to "take care of me" and I got a nice nap from about 1-4 p.m. Currently my stomach is pretty upset again, so I'll probably go back up to bed after I finish this. I am trying to get some laundry done today (with help from the kids), because it's easier to do a few loads every couple of days. Laundry never stops, and I don't want Mt. Washmore waiting for me when I'm done puking.

Right now Judi and Annie are watching the boys outside. They're all swimming, except Cam who never swims. He's being a typical teenager and watching TV. Molly and Heather are playing computer games.

I'm looking forward to Bill coming home soon. He has promised to take the kids on another outing tonight.

More tomorrow ...

Much Love,

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