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Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Hi Friends,

I just finished cleaning up another flood. Today our garage freezer turned off and defrosted for no apparent reason. The power on it is out, but the circuit breakers are on. By the time it was discovered, half of the food was bad and needed to be thrown out. We salvaged a bit of food, and dried up the garage with all of our junk towel -- which we had just washed from the whole poopy toilet flood of yesterday. I wonder what will flood tomorrow?

I am still feeling really exhausted/depleted. Annie has been largely watching the kids while I sleep. I got up around noon today, and we got the house ready for the housecleaners. When they came, Annie, the boys, and I went to the park. The little boys really needed to get out and have some activity! The rode bikes and played on the playground equipment. Annie left for a bit at 3 p.m. and picked up Molly from school. Then they stopped at 7-11 and brought us drinks.

We got home from our outing around 4 p.m. I let the kids go swimming to further get rid of their energy. And then at 5:30 Linda Hamilton from church brought us dinner. We had spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread, and brownies. It was quite tasty.

After dinner, we sent Cameron off to Scouts and forced poor Nathaniel to take a bath. You would have thought we were torturing the child. Molly's friend, Regina, is over right now. And Nate and Isaac are playing with blocks. Hopefully, we'll have no more household issues, and I can get to bed soon. I AM SO TIRED!!!

More tomorrow...
Much Love,

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