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Monday, May 11, 2009


Hi Friends!
This is a special story written by Nate and Isaac about their homeschooling today.
We'd like to introduce you to our two new hamsters. They are both teddy bear hamsters. Isaac's hamster is a boy named Teddy. Nate's hamster is a girl named Fluffy. We are hoping they have babies. They like each other, and we just saw them kiss earlier. They have also been grooming each other.

We used to have hamsters, but a while ago they died. We really wanted to have hamsters again. So, we saved up our money and today Mom took us shopping. First, we went to Theresa's Pet Store. There were no hamsters there -- just a lot of reptiles, guinea pigs, and bunnies. Cameron already has a lizard, and Nate is allergic to guinea pigs, and Mom says bunnies are too much work.
So, next we went to Big Al's. That's where we found our hamsters. They were right next to a really noisy bird. It was so loud it almost broke our ear drums! Isaac picked Teddy, because he was a teddy bear hamster, and he had already chosen the name Teddy before we got there. Nate picked Fluffy because she was a good match for Teddy. They look alike. They are black with gray fluffy hair sticking out on their rear ends.
When we saw them in the pet store, Teddy was really calm. Fluffy, however, was hanging on the roof bars of her cage like a monkey. She is a wild woman! On the way home, she ate through her travel box, and we barely got her home in time before she could have escaped.
They really like their cage. They have a tube with fluff in it. They have a wooden house and an exercise wheel. Their cage has two stories. The top story is the kitchen where the food and water is. The bottom story is for sleeping, playing, and using the bathroom. They have a tiny litterbox, which they have already started using.
We are holding them as we write this. They are so cute and soft. When we talk to them, they answer us by shaking their heads for yes or no. We really love our hamsters, and we think they are very smart! They seem to understand us, which makes them the smartest hamsters in the world!
-- By Nate and Isaac Bland

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