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Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hi Friends!
These are pictures of us taken today at Soup Plantation -- a restaurant in Camarillo. We spent our day visiting Bill at work. We saw his new offfice and the "top secret" lab. We'd tell you about it, but we were sworn to secrecy in the interest of national security! Then we went out for lunch. As you can see we all had a good time. Nate took most of the pictures, and I thought he really got some cute ones of the kids.
Other than that we haven't done much else today. I had trouble sleeping last night (even after taking a sleeping pill), so I didn't fall asleep until around 3 a.m. By the time I got moving today it was time to leave for Pt. Mugu. It takes about 45 minutes to get there. We arrived back home around 4:30 p.m., and I had to take a nap because I was so exhausted. I just woke up and am planning to do a few things around the house before dinner. I am thankful that I put dinner in the crockpot this morning before we left -- because now it is smelling good and almost done.
I am hoping to walk with Bill tonight after dinner. We'll see if I can convince him. Tomorrow is his day off. We also have Bible Study at our house tomorrow. And since I didn't get the kids back in time for haircuts with Shirlene today -- we'll have to try to do it tomorrow.
This weekend is shaping up to be busy too. I am hoping to plant some new flowers in the front yard, and Bill is wanting to work more on his hot tub project. Also, he and Cam are signed up for another long Boy Scout bike ride this Sunday. They are going to ride bikes in the LA marathon this year, so they are preparing for that! I think it will be a great experience for Cam and great exercise for Bill, so it should work out well all around.
More on that later...
Much Love,

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