Hi Friends!
Last night we did make it to Baskin-Robbins. They were having 31 cent scoop night and donating the proceeds to the Fire Department. You could get up to 3 scoops per person, and it was quite a deal. I think we ended up with 13 scoops (for the 6 of us including Alice!) for less than $5. Of course, we tipped the Fire Department as well. After that we went to Del Taco for dinner. A little backwards, I know -- doing dessert first, but the kids enjoyed the change of routine!
Today after homeschooling, we went to recycle. We've been trying to recycle for weeks, but every time we go, the recycling center has been closed or broken-down. So, it was good to get it done finally! We made over $20 (bags and bags of recyclables!), and we stopped at Little Caesar's for lunch. We bought a lot of pizza so that there would be enough for dinner tonight, too.
Again, we needed to pick up Cam at 1:05, and then Molly at 3:00 from school today. The two of them had dental appointments at 3:15, so Nate and Isaac went over to play with Judi's kids. The dentist seemed to take forever, and it made me very sleepy to just sit and wait. We got home around 5 p.m., and I did some work outside. Hopefully, I didn't get too much sun! Right now the kids have finished dinner, and they are starting their bedtime routines. I need to do some cleaning up in the kitchen, living room, and family room tonight. Bill was supposed to be arriving home at 10:30, but his flight was delayed. He won't be getting into LAX until 11:45, and then he'll have to drive home. So, he won't be home until late. But I'll be glad to see him -- I never sleep well when he's gone!
More tomorrow...
Much Love,
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Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Hi Friends!
I'm sorry about no blogging this week, but with Bill gone to Virginia -- I'm a single-parent this week and it took some adjustment. Monday was rough. Bill left at 4:30 a.m., and I had to get in the swing of getting up early to get Cam and Molly off to school. I'm usually a bit spoiled because Bill takes them to school, and they get up and ready themselves -- so I can sleep in a bit later with the boys. We usually start home-school at a more reasonable 9ish. But anyway, Monday seemed to fly by, and I don't remember much of it except that I got very depressed and tired. I ended up going to bed when the kids did at 9 p.m. After a better night's sleep -- I had a better day on Tuesday.
I took Molly to Payless Shoes this week, and we also went to Goodwill. She wants to spend all her birthday money on clothes, shoes, and Barbies. So, she bought 4 new pairs of shoes at Payless and lots of clothes at GoodWill. We have a really nice GoodWill Store here in Simi with lots of stuff for cheap prices -- think 99 cents. So far, she's spent about $80 of her birthday money, and she has about $100 left. I think she wants to go somewhere like Wal-Mart or Target this weekend. She is also planning a birthday pool party for her friends! At this point, I don't think her birthday will ever end! But the weather here is too cold for swimming right now, so we'll try to do it next weekend.
Cameron also had Scouts last night. He is the new Patrol leader for his group, so I needed to get him there even though Bill wasn't in town. Often when Bill is on travel, I let Cameron skip Scouts -- but not anymore!
This week the kids (Cam and Molly) are doing STAR testing at school. So, Cameron is done at 1:05 p.m. each day. That means I have to be on top of things with homeschooling, so that we are done in time to wrap it up by his pick-up time. Yesterday, we took advantage of his early dismissal to take him to Shirlene's for a haircut. He was less than thrilled, but Shirlene even was able to "style" his beard, which he insists on growing and makes him look a bit like Shaggy from Scooby Doo. God bless you, Shirlene!
I am also able to walk to meet Molly after school on Cameron's early-out days. She is still getting done at 3 p.m. this week, and she enjoys walking with me. But usually, we are picking up Cameron at that time as well, and his school is quite a bit further away -- not usually a walkable distance unless it's an emergency! Anyway, for some reason, Molly has 3 early-out days next week and Open House on Thursday. So, I guess next week will be odd as well!
Right now we're wrapping up homeschool. The boys are currently having lunch and recess. They just have math and reading to do after that. Then after picking up Cameron, I am hoping to recycle today. I have a ton of recyclables. And if we're feeling motivated, Baskin-Robbins is having 31 cent scoop night tonight. So, that could be fun!
More later ...
P.S. Molly took the pictures of me and Annie last week. She had fun posing us by the rose from our garden. As you can see, my hair is beginning to grow again. So, I am really hopeful that I'm done for good with chemo. And since I'm down to 2 mg. of Prednisone daily (used to be at
60 mg), I'm no longer as puffy.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
These are some pictures taken at Molly's birthday dinner tonight.
Answers to "What I love most about Molly" were:
Bill -- her smile
Isaac -- she's nice
Nate -- when she plays with me
Cameron -- when she helps me babysit Nate and Isaac
Shel -- doing girlie things with her -- hair, nails, cooking.
Much Love,
Mom (Michele)
Hi Friends!
I wanted to start out by sharing the words of a song I learned at my recent Women's Retreat. As you may remember -- the retreat was called, "Trusting God in Times of Transition." And the song I'm thinking of today is called --
Whatever You're Doing Inside of Me ...
It's time for healing,
Time to move on.
It's time to fix,
What's been broken too long.
It's time to find my way,
To where I belong.
There's a wave,
That's crashing over me.
All I can do is surrender.
Whatever you're doing,
Inside of me.
It feels like chaos.
Somehow there's peace.
It's hard to surrender,
To what I can't see.
But I'm giving in,
To something heavenly.
Time for a milestone.
Time to begin again.
Reevaluate who I really am.
Am I doing everything,
To follow your will?
Or just climbing aimlessly over these hills?
So show me,
What it is you want,
From me.
I give everything.
I surrender ...
Whatever you're doing,
Inside of me.
It feels like chaos.
Somehow there's peace.
It's hard to surrender,
To what I can't see.
But I'm giving in,
To something heavenly.
Time to face up.
Clean this old house.
Time to breathe in,
And let everything out,
That I've wanted to say,
For so many years.
Time to release,
All my held back tears.
Whatever you're doing,
Inside of me.
It feels like chaos,
But I believe.
You're up to something,
Bigger than me.
Larger than life,
Something heavenly.
Whatever you're doing,
Inside of me.
It feels like chaos,
But now I can see.
This is something,
Bigger than me,
Larger than life,
Something heavenly,
Something heavenly.
It's time to face up.
Clean this old house.
Time to breathe in,
And let everything out.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share. Sometimes life seems so chaotic, but it brings me peace to know that my God knows the plan. And it's not my job to figure out the plan or to whine or argue about the validity of His plan. Instead, it's my job to trust God to have the plan, and in doing so -- I know he will give me the grace and resources that I need for each moment.
I guess I never got around to blogging yesterday. I spent most of Friday and Saturday sleeping. I was extremely fatigued. And when I wasn't sleeping, I was cleaning up the mess that occurred in my house from while I was asleep. I'm sure all the Moms know what I mean!
Yesterday Bill took Molly, Nate, and Isaac to see Cameron at Camporee. They had dinner there, and they got to do some really cool activities --- like the Tomahawk throw. This morning Bill got up early, and he went to pick up Cameron. He was home by 11 a.m. The rest of us were still hanging out in our PJs when they returned home! They brought home a ton of hay. My two citified boys (Nate and Isaac) are currently on the side of the house playing in the hay!
Other than that, we're preparing for the upcoming week. Bill will be in Norfolk, VA all week on business. I hope I survive without my other half! Alice, please help me!!! So, today, I've been doing laundry. I also went to the store, so that I am good for a few days at least. Bill went to the doctor today (ear infection), and he is now off doing errands. He needs to get prescriptions for the week. He is also taking the truck in for a car wash, because after Camporee it is a disaster. And I don't want to drive around with hay in my truck -- it makes me sneeze.
I am also going to walk with Molly today. And the boys want to go for a bike ride. We also have to do Molly's official birthday celebration at dinner tonight, since we kept Molly at DisneyLand for the whole day of April 22nd. I made her a birthday cake and we have the sparkling cider -- so all the kids are looking forward to that. I'll post everyone's responses to our traditional -- "What I love about the birthday person ..." roundtable later.
As a side note, Bill was busy this week -- so he only gave me my prescription meds, not all my supplements. At first I was so excited, because I had fewer pills to swallow. But after a week, I am so much more tired, and my skin (especially on my face) is really blotchy. So, I'm sold.
Honey, bring on the supplements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much Love,
I wanted to start out by sharing the words of a song I learned at my recent Women's Retreat. As you may remember -- the retreat was called, "Trusting God in Times of Transition." And the song I'm thinking of today is called --
Whatever You're Doing Inside of Me ...
It's time for healing,
Time to move on.
It's time to fix,
What's been broken too long.
It's time to find my way,
To where I belong.
There's a wave,
That's crashing over me.
All I can do is surrender.
Whatever you're doing,
Inside of me.
It feels like chaos.
Somehow there's peace.
It's hard to surrender,
To what I can't see.
But I'm giving in,
To something heavenly.
Time for a milestone.
Time to begin again.
Reevaluate who I really am.
Am I doing everything,
To follow your will?
Or just climbing aimlessly over these hills?
So show me,
What it is you want,
From me.
I give everything.
I surrender ...
Whatever you're doing,
Inside of me.
It feels like chaos.
Somehow there's peace.
It's hard to surrender,
To what I can't see.
But I'm giving in,
To something heavenly.
Time to face up.
Clean this old house.
Time to breathe in,
And let everything out,
That I've wanted to say,
For so many years.
Time to release,
All my held back tears.
Whatever you're doing,
Inside of me.
It feels like chaos,
But I believe.
You're up to something,
Bigger than me.
Larger than life,
Something heavenly.
Whatever you're doing,
Inside of me.
It feels like chaos,
But now I can see.
This is something,
Bigger than me,
Larger than life,
Something heavenly,
Something heavenly.
It's time to face up.
Clean this old house.
Time to breathe in,
And let everything out.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share. Sometimes life seems so chaotic, but it brings me peace to know that my God knows the plan. And it's not my job to figure out the plan or to whine or argue about the validity of His plan. Instead, it's my job to trust God to have the plan, and in doing so -- I know he will give me the grace and resources that I need for each moment.
I guess I never got around to blogging yesterday. I spent most of Friday and Saturday sleeping. I was extremely fatigued. And when I wasn't sleeping, I was cleaning up the mess that occurred in my house from while I was asleep. I'm sure all the Moms know what I mean!
Yesterday Bill took Molly, Nate, and Isaac to see Cameron at Camporee. They had dinner there, and they got to do some really cool activities --- like the Tomahawk throw. This morning Bill got up early, and he went to pick up Cameron. He was home by 11 a.m. The rest of us were still hanging out in our PJs when they returned home! They brought home a ton of hay. My two citified boys (Nate and Isaac) are currently on the side of the house playing in the hay!
Other than that, we're preparing for the upcoming week. Bill will be in Norfolk, VA all week on business. I hope I survive without my other half! Alice, please help me!!! So, today, I've been doing laundry. I also went to the store, so that I am good for a few days at least. Bill went to the doctor today (ear infection), and he is now off doing errands. He needs to get prescriptions for the week. He is also taking the truck in for a car wash, because after Camporee it is a disaster. And I don't want to drive around with hay in my truck -- it makes me sneeze.
I am also going to walk with Molly today. And the boys want to go for a bike ride. We also have to do Molly's official birthday celebration at dinner tonight, since we kept Molly at DisneyLand for the whole day of April 22nd. I made her a birthday cake and we have the sparkling cider -- so all the kids are looking forward to that. I'll post everyone's responses to our traditional -- "What I love about the birthday person ..." roundtable later.
As a side note, Bill was busy this week -- so he only gave me my prescription meds, not all my supplements. At first I was so excited, because I had fewer pills to swallow. But after a week, I am so much more tired, and my skin (especially on my face) is really blotchy. So, I'm sold.
Honey, bring on the supplements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much Love,
Friday, April 24, 2009
Hi Friends!
I didn't get to blogging on Wednesday or Thursday, but I've been keeping busy. Wednesday was Molly's 13th birthday, so we had our special girls' day at DisneyLand. Annie, Molly, and I had a great time. We did lots of fun things -- many rides and shows, a lot of great food, and even had face-painting done. The highlight for Molly was the parade "Dance Party" done at 7 p.m. We had a spot right where the performers stopped for 12 minutes to do a show. And since Molly was wearing her "Happy Birthday" pin and is not shy, especially about dancing and singing -- she was brought out for dancing in the middle of the street several times. She was thrilled, and we took a ton of photos. We will try to download them soon, so that we can share them with you. Anyway -- we spent the whole day at DisneyLand, which didn't close until 10 p.m. And then by the time we left the park, got to our car, and went out to dinner (We met Allan, Annie's boyfriend, who lives in Anaheim.) -- we didn't make it home until almost 2 a.m.
So, I decided to let Molly stay home from school on Thursday as well. I felt she needed the day to recover. I slept in a little bit -- but had to get up in time to home-school the boys before going to the doctor in the afternoon. On Wednesday, Bill took them into work with him, and then they went on a field trip to the beach to study ocean life.
After homeschooling for the morning (with Molly as my teaching assistant, which came in handy!) on Wednesday -- I had the fun of having a camera put in my bladder. It's called a cystoscopy, and it is not one of my favorite things to have done. I thought they could have at least given me a framed picture of my bladder after all these tests, but I was unsuccessful in that request. The good new is that all my tests showed a healthy bladder and kidneys. The doctor thought I was very "lucky" -- I would word it as "blessed" -- to not have any permanent damage after all the bladder/kidney infections of the last year. So, he feels that the infections were caused by the high-dose steroids, and as long as I'm on Prednisone -- I'll continue to take antibiotics to protect me from UTIs. And the blood in my urine was a side effect of the chemo -- gotta love Cytoxan or any other drug with the name toxin as part of it!
So, the bladder camera fun was in the afternoon. Annie came and hung out with the kids. I was done in time to pick up Cam from school. Then I rested in bed for a bit, took some pain medication, etc. -- it hurt a lot to pee after the procedure. But after the pain meds and lots of cranberry juice, I was fine by the morning.
Today was pretty much a normal day. I just finished home-shooling the boys. And Bill is off work for the day, because this weekend is Camporee for Boy Scouts. So, he had a lot of prep work to do. Cam will leave for Camporee after school tonight. It's not very far away. Bill is not going along for the whole weekend, but he will be helping out for several shifts.
I'm going to sign off now, and I will take a quick shower before it's time to pick up Cameron and Molly from school at 3 p.m. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Much Love,
I didn't get to blogging on Wednesday or Thursday, but I've been keeping busy. Wednesday was Molly's 13th birthday, so we had our special girls' day at DisneyLand. Annie, Molly, and I had a great time. We did lots of fun things -- many rides and shows, a lot of great food, and even had face-painting done. The highlight for Molly was the parade "Dance Party" done at 7 p.m. We had a spot right where the performers stopped for 12 minutes to do a show. And since Molly was wearing her "Happy Birthday" pin and is not shy, especially about dancing and singing -- she was brought out for dancing in the middle of the street several times. She was thrilled, and we took a ton of photos. We will try to download them soon, so that we can share them with you. Anyway -- we spent the whole day at DisneyLand, which didn't close until 10 p.m. And then by the time we left the park, got to our car, and went out to dinner (We met Allan, Annie's boyfriend, who lives in Anaheim.) -- we didn't make it home until almost 2 a.m.
So, I decided to let Molly stay home from school on Thursday as well. I felt she needed the day to recover. I slept in a little bit -- but had to get up in time to home-school the boys before going to the doctor in the afternoon. On Wednesday, Bill took them into work with him, and then they went on a field trip to the beach to study ocean life.
After homeschooling for the morning (with Molly as my teaching assistant, which came in handy!) on Wednesday -- I had the fun of having a camera put in my bladder. It's called a cystoscopy, and it is not one of my favorite things to have done. I thought they could have at least given me a framed picture of my bladder after all these tests, but I was unsuccessful in that request. The good new is that all my tests showed a healthy bladder and kidneys. The doctor thought I was very "lucky" -- I would word it as "blessed" -- to not have any permanent damage after all the bladder/kidney infections of the last year. So, he feels that the infections were caused by the high-dose steroids, and as long as I'm on Prednisone -- I'll continue to take antibiotics to protect me from UTIs. And the blood in my urine was a side effect of the chemo -- gotta love Cytoxan or any other drug with the name toxin as part of it!
So, the bladder camera fun was in the afternoon. Annie came and hung out with the kids. I was done in time to pick up Cam from school. Then I rested in bed for a bit, took some pain medication, etc. -- it hurt a lot to pee after the procedure. But after the pain meds and lots of cranberry juice, I was fine by the morning.
Today was pretty much a normal day. I just finished home-shooling the boys. And Bill is off work for the day, because this weekend is Camporee for Boy Scouts. So, he had a lot of prep work to do. Cam will leave for Camporee after school tonight. It's not very far away. Bill is not going along for the whole weekend, but he will be helping out for several shifts.
I'm going to sign off now, and I will take a quick shower before it's time to pick up Cameron and Molly from school at 3 p.m. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Much Love,
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Hi Friends!
I made a huge mistake yesterday, and I thought that I could be "normal" and swim laps in my sunny pool! It was great while I did it, but you'd think I'd know better by now. CNS lupus + sunshine = severe pain! Won't make that mistake again! By last night all my joints were killing me, my head was severely aching, and I was fatigued in a very bad way. I went to bed super early, and I slept in super late. I was still feeling pretty bad today, and I discovered I was out of Xanax -- bad combination. Without Xanax I have much anxiety and my hands shake worse than usual! Couple that with Nate being -- Nate -- or shall we say a bit challenging! And homeschooling was a bit more challenging than usual. Whenever I left Nate unattended for more than a minute -- something crazy happened! Example Number 1 : Nate disappears. Bad sign. I yell outside, "Nate, what are you doing?" He says, "A project!" I look around the corner and find him sitting on our trash cans, sawing LONG (think about 8 feet!) pieces of wood. He was making stilts! Example Number 2: I find him outside, standing on a chair trying to cut my windchimes using the dog's nail clipper. He was planning to "cut a key off." I could go on and on, but you get the idea!
So, this afternoon the cleaners came, and we vacated the building for everyone's sanity. Annie and I took the boys to Shirlene's for haircuts. We then went to McDonald's for a late lunch. By the time we were done with that, it was time to pick up Cam and Molly from school. Temps were still close to 100, so we brought them some nice cool sodas!
Now that we're home -- we've been swimming and hanging out in the air conditioning! Cam and Bill have Boy Scouts tonight. Annie brought us chicken alfredo from CostCo, so we're making that for dinner. And other than that -- we're planning an early bedtime. Tomorrow is Molly's 13th birthday, so we are taking her to DisneyLand. Bill will be home with the boys! I'm looking forward to a "girlie day," but I'm hoping the temperature is better tomorrow, and I'll have to watch my sun intake!
Much Love,
P.S. -- Thanks for the shorts, Terry! They're a perfect fit for Cameron. Gotta love the Fletcher Street girls!
I made a huge mistake yesterday, and I thought that I could be "normal" and swim laps in my sunny pool! It was great while I did it, but you'd think I'd know better by now. CNS lupus + sunshine = severe pain! Won't make that mistake again! By last night all my joints were killing me, my head was severely aching, and I was fatigued in a very bad way. I went to bed super early, and I slept in super late. I was still feeling pretty bad today, and I discovered I was out of Xanax -- bad combination. Without Xanax I have much anxiety and my hands shake worse than usual! Couple that with Nate being -- Nate -- or shall we say a bit challenging! And homeschooling was a bit more challenging than usual. Whenever I left Nate unattended for more than a minute -- something crazy happened! Example Number 1 : Nate disappears. Bad sign. I yell outside, "Nate, what are you doing?" He says, "A project!" I look around the corner and find him sitting on our trash cans, sawing LONG (think about 8 feet!) pieces of wood. He was making stilts! Example Number 2: I find him outside, standing on a chair trying to cut my windchimes using the dog's nail clipper. He was planning to "cut a key off." I could go on and on, but you get the idea!
So, this afternoon the cleaners came, and we vacated the building for everyone's sanity. Annie and I took the boys to Shirlene's for haircuts. We then went to McDonald's for a late lunch. By the time we were done with that, it was time to pick up Cam and Molly from school. Temps were still close to 100, so we brought them some nice cool sodas!
Now that we're home -- we've been swimming and hanging out in the air conditioning! Cam and Bill have Boy Scouts tonight. Annie brought us chicken alfredo from CostCo, so we're making that for dinner. And other than that -- we're planning an early bedtime. Tomorrow is Molly's 13th birthday, so we are taking her to DisneyLand. Bill will be home with the boys! I'm looking forward to a "girlie day," but I'm hoping the temperature is better tomorrow, and I'll have to watch my sun intake!
Much Love,
P.S. -- Thanks for the shorts, Terry! They're a perfect fit for Cameron. Gotta love the Fletcher Street girls!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Hi Friends!
I'm up early this morning. It was Cameron and Molly's first day back at school after Spring Break. So, we were up at 6:45, and it was difficult for everybody. I had a hard time going to sleep last night, but I'm resisting the urge to go back to sleep. I need to get back onto our normal schedule. Bill is off to the cardiologist. So, hopefully -- that will go well today. Nate and Isaac are still asleep even though they went to bed at 8:30 p.m. last night. I guess they're still recovering from vacation!
I was thinking last night about getting back to "life as usual" and found myself a bit stressed out about all there is to do. But it came to me -- God gives me EXACTLY enough time to accomplish what he has purposed for me each day. So, the question becomes -- if I don't have enough time to get everything done, whose work am I trying to do -- mine or His?
On that note -- I have a few pet projects that God has laid on my heart. I am hoping to organize a bone marrow drive this summer in memory of my friend Julia who died of leukemia almost 3 years ago. I am also going to be leading a new small group for our church this summer. It's called "Learning to Live with Chronic Illness," and it's based on a book by the same name by Lisa Copen. And my friend -- Carrie, the one I told you about who suffered a stroke -- She is going to be teaching us how to quilt. It's something she really misses doing. She can still sew, but cannot cut the materials anymore. So, we're going to work together as a group of women to do it while we bond and have fun!
And then of course, there's homeschooling to be done and all the usual household Mom and wife-type stuff. But I'll try to focus on what's truly important this week. So, I will sign off. Isaac just woke up, and I'm going to feed him breakfast. Then I will take a quick shower before Nate joins us and we start school.
More later ...
Much Love,
I'm up early this morning. It was Cameron and Molly's first day back at school after Spring Break. So, we were up at 6:45, and it was difficult for everybody. I had a hard time going to sleep last night, but I'm resisting the urge to go back to sleep. I need to get back onto our normal schedule. Bill is off to the cardiologist. So, hopefully -- that will go well today. Nate and Isaac are still asleep even though they went to bed at 8:30 p.m. last night. I guess they're still recovering from vacation!
I was thinking last night about getting back to "life as usual" and found myself a bit stressed out about all there is to do. But it came to me -- God gives me EXACTLY enough time to accomplish what he has purposed for me each day. So, the question becomes -- if I don't have enough time to get everything done, whose work am I trying to do -- mine or His?
On that note -- I have a few pet projects that God has laid on my heart. I am hoping to organize a bone marrow drive this summer in memory of my friend Julia who died of leukemia almost 3 years ago. I am also going to be leading a new small group for our church this summer. It's called "Learning to Live with Chronic Illness," and it's based on a book by the same name by Lisa Copen. And my friend -- Carrie, the one I told you about who suffered a stroke -- She is going to be teaching us how to quilt. It's something she really misses doing. She can still sew, but cannot cut the materials anymore. So, we're going to work together as a group of women to do it while we bond and have fun!
And then of course, there's homeschooling to be done and all the usual household Mom and wife-type stuff. But I'll try to focus on what's truly important this week. So, I will sign off. Isaac just woke up, and I'm going to feed him breakfast. Then I will take a quick shower before Nate joins us and we start school.
More later ...
Much Love,
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Hi Friends!
It's a sunny and hot Sunday in Simi Valley. Bill and Cameron are on a 15 mile bike ride with the Boy Scouts. Seeing as how the temerature outside is 97 degrees -- All I can say is better them than me! I told Bill between the exercise and sweating, he's sure to lose a lot of weight today! In fact, it's so hot today, that I had to let Nate and Isaac bring Gary (their new pet snail) inside. I was afraid he'd get cooked in his plastic container outside. So, now I have a snail on my kitchen island in an old cookie dough container. You've got to love little boys! I did warn everyone that the container holds a snail, not cookie dough! Otherwise it could be quite a surprise!
Now for the hormone vent. If you're a man and don't want to hear about "women's issues" -- stop reading here! My gynecologist ran blood tests which determined I was in perimenopause (the beginning of menopause). It was not a surprise because I had only had my period 2 times during the last year or so. And I was having hot flashes, mood swings, etc. The PMS was nasty and since I never knew when my period would show up -- it was hard to predict. So, the doctor put me on birth control pills. That in itself was amusing, because I am infertile, Bill's had a vasectomy, and now I am on birth control pills! But of course, the doctor (a man, did I mention?!) told me that it would control the menopausal symptoms and bring on a period (until I hit menopause, Menopause -- who knew perimenopause could last for years?). Well, Ok -- I'll give it a shot even though I'm thinking NO period is good -- not bad. It's not like I want more kids!
So, fast forward. I start the pills. I pay $35 per month for the package. I explain to my husband why I have to take birth control pills. I manage to remember to take them on a daily basis. And guess what -- they SUCK. I have been bleeding every day for the past 3 weeks. No big deal, my gyno says -- it's just break-through bleeding. Well, if I wanted to bleed every day for the rest of my life, I'd be crazy. I am currently washing my sheets for the 2nd time this week. Women, I know you can relate! And I've decided that after I finish this cycle of pills, I'm done with the hormones! I'll just go back to doing perimenopause and menopause the
old-fashioned and more graceful way! If I scream at my family too much, maybe I should just pay them the $35 a month in hush money!
I'm sure that the doctors will tell me there are other pills to try. But this sort of reminds me of my "sweaty pill" experience. You see, along with my lupus -- I have Sjogren's Syndrome. My immune system also attacks all moisture in my body. So, the doctors are always very concerned because of the dryness of my mouth, nose, etc. If you've never been thankful for your saliva, snot, etc. -- thank God for it now, because it is actually very important. So, in order to protect my eyes, nose and other parts -- I tried 2 moisture-producing pills -- AKA the "sweaty pills." You guessed it, the side effect of both pills -- profuse sweating, which I couldn't stand. So, I had to go against medical advice, and now I just use over-the-counter remedies for dryness in all areas! It was definitely a situation where the cure was worse than the problem. And I think the same is true with my current hormone therapy. Now, if you're in menopause and have been through this -- let me know what worked or didn't work for you. I truly wasn't planning to do menopause this soon (but life brings us all sorts of unanticipated changes, doesn't it?!) -- so I have done very little research on the big M. I've been keeping busy learning about lupus and chemo these days!
Well -- thanks for letting me vent! That's one reason I love to blog! I think I'll go get dressed. I am still in my pajamas. It would be pretty sad if Cam and Bill get home from their long bike ride and I'm still lounging around. But I only have 2 things on my to do list for the
day -- laundry and budgeting! If I get those two things done today, I'll be happy. And since it's Sunday it's family day, so I'm hoping to have some fun time together on the last official day of Spring Break. We have a tradition of having breakfast for dinner on Sunday nights. Tonight I think I'll make coffee cake and breakfast sausage. I'm getting hungry already!
Much Love,
It's a sunny and hot Sunday in Simi Valley. Bill and Cameron are on a 15 mile bike ride with the Boy Scouts. Seeing as how the temerature outside is 97 degrees -- All I can say is better them than me! I told Bill between the exercise and sweating, he's sure to lose a lot of weight today! In fact, it's so hot today, that I had to let Nate and Isaac bring Gary (their new pet snail) inside. I was afraid he'd get cooked in his plastic container outside. So, now I have a snail on my kitchen island in an old cookie dough container. You've got to love little boys! I did warn everyone that the container holds a snail, not cookie dough! Otherwise it could be quite a surprise!
Now for the hormone vent. If you're a man and don't want to hear about "women's issues" -- stop reading here! My gynecologist ran blood tests which determined I was in perimenopause (the beginning of menopause). It was not a surprise because I had only had my period 2 times during the last year or so. And I was having hot flashes, mood swings, etc. The PMS was nasty and since I never knew when my period would show up -- it was hard to predict. So, the doctor put me on birth control pills. That in itself was amusing, because I am infertile, Bill's had a vasectomy, and now I am on birth control pills! But of course, the doctor (a man, did I mention?!) told me that it would control the menopausal symptoms and bring on a period (until I hit menopause, Menopause -- who knew perimenopause could last for years?). Well, Ok -- I'll give it a shot even though I'm thinking NO period is good -- not bad. It's not like I want more kids!
So, fast forward. I start the pills. I pay $35 per month for the package. I explain to my husband why I have to take birth control pills. I manage to remember to take them on a daily basis. And guess what -- they SUCK. I have been bleeding every day for the past 3 weeks. No big deal, my gyno says -- it's just break-through bleeding. Well, if I wanted to bleed every day for the rest of my life, I'd be crazy. I am currently washing my sheets for the 2nd time this week. Women, I know you can relate! And I've decided that after I finish this cycle of pills, I'm done with the hormones! I'll just go back to doing perimenopause and menopause the
old-fashioned and more graceful way! If I scream at my family too much, maybe I should just pay them the $35 a month in hush money!
I'm sure that the doctors will tell me there are other pills to try. But this sort of reminds me of my "sweaty pill" experience. You see, along with my lupus -- I have Sjogren's Syndrome. My immune system also attacks all moisture in my body. So, the doctors are always very concerned because of the dryness of my mouth, nose, etc. If you've never been thankful for your saliva, snot, etc. -- thank God for it now, because it is actually very important. So, in order to protect my eyes, nose and other parts -- I tried 2 moisture-producing pills -- AKA the "sweaty pills." You guessed it, the side effect of both pills -- profuse sweating, which I couldn't stand. So, I had to go against medical advice, and now I just use over-the-counter remedies for dryness in all areas! It was definitely a situation where the cure was worse than the problem. And I think the same is true with my current hormone therapy. Now, if you're in menopause and have been through this -- let me know what worked or didn't work for you. I truly wasn't planning to do menopause this soon (but life brings us all sorts of unanticipated changes, doesn't it?!) -- so I have done very little research on the big M. I've been keeping busy learning about lupus and chemo these days!
Well -- thanks for letting me vent! That's one reason I love to blog! I think I'll go get dressed. I am still in my pajamas. It would be pretty sad if Cam and Bill get home from their long bike ride and I'm still lounging around. But I only have 2 things on my to do list for the
day -- laundry and budgeting! If I get those two things done today, I'll be happy. And since it's Sunday it's family day, so I'm hoping to have some fun time together on the last official day of Spring Break. We have a tradition of having breakfast for dinner on Sunday nights. Tonight I think I'll make coffee cake and breakfast sausage. I'm getting hungry already!
Much Love,
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hi Friends!
I'm on a roll today... what can I say ... I'm entitling this ....
--but you don't look sick. (That rosy glow is my butterfly lupus rash!)
--everybody gets tired. (but most people don't fall asleep at stoplights!)
--you're just having a bad day. (I wish!)
--it must be nice not having to go to work. (Yeah, it's a cakewalk!)
--I wish I had time to take a nap. (See #2, that's what happens if I don't)
--if you'd get out more. (Sometimes my to do list is : 1. Get out of bed; 2. Try to stay awake;
3. Go back to bed; 4. Try to sleep;5. Repeat.)
--you're just getting older. (Do most people attack their own organ as they get older?)
--if you'd get more exercise. (Good, but sometimes hard when every joint is swollen!)
--it can't be that bad. (If you only knew!)
--it's all in your head. (Literally, it's Central Nervous System Lupus -- that's my brain!)
--you're just depressed. (I wonder why!)
--there are people worse off than you. (Of course, but that's not helpful!)
--you'll just have to tough it out. (Thanks for the support!)
--you just need a more positive attitude. (And thanks for your help with that, too!)
--you should start/stop taking vitamins. (Yeah, because you're a medical expert!)
--your meds are making you sick. (Really, or my disabling chronic illness is more real than your
imaginary medical expertise!)
--how do you do it? (one day, one hour, one minute, one task at a time ... with God's grace!)
--why would God do this to you? (He didn't, but He helps me through this!)
--I know someone with lupus, and they're doing much better than you. (Thanks so much.
I am aware I'm a medical rarity!)
--you should try to strengthen your immune system. (Hello, my immune system is attacking
me. We are trying to kill it, not strengthen it!)
--this, too, shall pass. (Yes, and come back, and pass, and come back... they're called flares.)
--Are you cured yet? (Lupus is not curable, but manageable.)
Now, I'm putting this list together in jest kind of, because of all the funny things that people say to you when you're ill. Most of the time it's hilarious how opinionated people are about things they know nothing about. I attempt most days to be nice, and I like to educate people about lupus and especially my rare form of it. However, sometimes when I was doing chemo, and people said things like ... "They don't do chemo for lupus." or "You should put ice/rubber bands on your head so you won't lose your hair!" Well, then I did want to scream. Because I figured, when they hook up the poison antidote to your vein, you get to have an opinion. Until then, either be nice or be quiet.
So, if you can relate to this, that's cool! Or if it keeps you quiet in a situation like mine, oh well! Or maybe you need to print it out for your loud-mouth ___________________.
Much Love,
I'm on a roll today... what can I say ... I'm entitling this ....
--but you don't look sick. (That rosy glow is my butterfly lupus rash!)
--everybody gets tired. (but most people don't fall asleep at stoplights!)
--you're just having a bad day. (I wish!)
--it must be nice not having to go to work. (Yeah, it's a cakewalk!)
--I wish I had time to take a nap. (See #2, that's what happens if I don't)
--if you'd get out more. (Sometimes my to do list is : 1. Get out of bed; 2. Try to stay awake;
3. Go back to bed; 4. Try to sleep;5. Repeat.)
--you're just getting older. (Do most people attack their own organ as they get older?)
--if you'd get more exercise. (Good, but sometimes hard when every joint is swollen!)
--it can't be that bad. (If you only knew!)
--it's all in your head. (Literally, it's Central Nervous System Lupus -- that's my brain!)
--you're just depressed. (I wonder why!)
--there are people worse off than you. (Of course, but that's not helpful!)
--you'll just have to tough it out. (Thanks for the support!)
--you just need a more positive attitude. (And thanks for your help with that, too!)
--you should start/stop taking vitamins. (Yeah, because you're a medical expert!)
--your meds are making you sick. (Really, or my disabling chronic illness is more real than your
imaginary medical expertise!)
--how do you do it? (one day, one hour, one minute, one task at a time ... with God's grace!)
--why would God do this to you? (He didn't, but He helps me through this!)
--I know someone with lupus, and they're doing much better than you. (Thanks so much.
I am aware I'm a medical rarity!)
--you should try to strengthen your immune system. (Hello, my immune system is attacking
me. We are trying to kill it, not strengthen it!)
--this, too, shall pass. (Yes, and come back, and pass, and come back... they're called flares.)
--Are you cured yet? (Lupus is not curable, but manageable.)
Now, I'm putting this list together in jest kind of, because of all the funny things that people say to you when you're ill. Most of the time it's hilarious how opinionated people are about things they know nothing about. I attempt most days to be nice, and I like to educate people about lupus and especially my rare form of it. However, sometimes when I was doing chemo, and people said things like ... "They don't do chemo for lupus." or "You should put ice/rubber bands on your head so you won't lose your hair!" Well, then I did want to scream. Because I figured, when they hook up the poison antidote to your vein, you get to have an opinion. Until then, either be nice or be quiet.
So, if you can relate to this, that's cool! Or if it keeps you quiet in a situation like mine, oh well! Or maybe you need to print it out for your loud-mouth ___________________.
Much Love,
Hi Friends!
We went to church tonight and I found myself sitting behind 2 of my friends and Bible study group members. We are 3 young women in our 30s-40s who have gone through a lot health-wise in the past year. My friend, Carrie, had a stroke which changed her physically. I relate to her a lot because she and I have similar brain issues. She has also dealt with breast cancer in the last year. My friend, Kelly, has also dealt with breast cancer this past year, a mastectomy and has had 7 surgeries so far. And then of course, there's me this year with my loopy brain and body and the chemo used to fight it. Anyway the three of us, and Bill (with his own health issues) talk and commiserate sometimes and discuss our "new normal." We know that God doesn't cause our illnesses -- but we live in a fallen world with broken bodies. Sometimes, however, in our humanity it's difficult to see the point of it all when you are suffering. We remind ourselves and each other of how God can even use the suffering to bless us, bring us closer to Him, and bless others through us.
So, anyway I was thinking about us all as I stood there singing in church. When I lift my hands to praise God, they shake -- not as bad as they used to, but my nervous system will likely never recover to its pre-lupus state. And when I listen to Pastor Jeff give his awesome sermons, I struggle to take notes fast enough -- because if I don't I will be left with no memory of what we discussed. That's another part of my brain lost. And sometimes, I think -- Oh God, how can you use me and this defective body to do anything for your kingdom. But today as I looked at Carrie with one side that is handicapped, and Kelly who is waiting to have her reconstructive surgery -- I was reminded of the story of Gideon. And I thought about how God specializes in using broken people to achieve mighty things in his kingdom. That way people see His glory rather than looking at the individuals chosen by Him!
Take the story of Gideon. If you're not familiar with it. I'll give you the summary. It's in Judges 6-7 if you want to delve deeper. The Israelites were living in the land of Canaan. Because it was such a beautiful land, other groups were always trying to take the land away from God's people. The Midianites had done this, and during Gideon's time -- God's people were slaves.
God wanted a leader for the Israelites, and he picked a shy man named Gideon. Even after God's angel talked to Gideon, he still did not believe he could do it. But when he was told to tear down the idols, Gideon did what he was told. However, he was still uncertain and he asked for several signs so that he would know that God was with him.
God obliged Gideon rather than chastising him for his questioning. And so Gideon put together a big army to fight the Midianites. But God told him the army was too big. God wanted to be sure that the people knew that God alone was responsible for the victory. So, he gave Gideon directions on how many men to send away. Gideon was left with only 300 men to fight the Midianites, but by following God's directions -- God's army chased the Midianites out of their country. God had kept his promise, and he let Gideon win the battle. But they gave glory to God -- THE ISRAELITES PRAISED GOD!!!
Now what does this have to do with me or my 2 sickly friends or you or anyone? Well, it gives me comfort. I realize with this story, God uses the weak, the shy, the unimportant, the unlikely. God doesn't get mad when we question his plan. God rewards our obedience to His plan, which He understands is hard when we "don't get it!" And finally, God delights in using the weak, the physically disabled, the "messed up," because then we know the truth. I cannot be responsible for this. Anything good in my life, anything that I do that blesses others -- is all God, not me!
I hope that brings you comfort too! I delight in an all-powerful God who rules over armies of angels, but still can use little old me to do his glorious plans!
Much Love...
We went to church tonight and I found myself sitting behind 2 of my friends and Bible study group members. We are 3 young women in our 30s-40s who have gone through a lot health-wise in the past year. My friend, Carrie, had a stroke which changed her physically. I relate to her a lot because she and I have similar brain issues. She has also dealt with breast cancer in the last year. My friend, Kelly, has also dealt with breast cancer this past year, a mastectomy and has had 7 surgeries so far. And then of course, there's me this year with my loopy brain and body and the chemo used to fight it. Anyway the three of us, and Bill (with his own health issues) talk and commiserate sometimes and discuss our "new normal." We know that God doesn't cause our illnesses -- but we live in a fallen world with broken bodies. Sometimes, however, in our humanity it's difficult to see the point of it all when you are suffering. We remind ourselves and each other of how God can even use the suffering to bless us, bring us closer to Him, and bless others through us.
So, anyway I was thinking about us all as I stood there singing in church. When I lift my hands to praise God, they shake -- not as bad as they used to, but my nervous system will likely never recover to its pre-lupus state. And when I listen to Pastor Jeff give his awesome sermons, I struggle to take notes fast enough -- because if I don't I will be left with no memory of what we discussed. That's another part of my brain lost. And sometimes, I think -- Oh God, how can you use me and this defective body to do anything for your kingdom. But today as I looked at Carrie with one side that is handicapped, and Kelly who is waiting to have her reconstructive surgery -- I was reminded of the story of Gideon. And I thought about how God specializes in using broken people to achieve mighty things in his kingdom. That way people see His glory rather than looking at the individuals chosen by Him!
Take the story of Gideon. If you're not familiar with it. I'll give you the summary. It's in Judges 6-7 if you want to delve deeper. The Israelites were living in the land of Canaan. Because it was such a beautiful land, other groups were always trying to take the land away from God's people. The Midianites had done this, and during Gideon's time -- God's people were slaves.
God wanted a leader for the Israelites, and he picked a shy man named Gideon. Even after God's angel talked to Gideon, he still did not believe he could do it. But when he was told to tear down the idols, Gideon did what he was told. However, he was still uncertain and he asked for several signs so that he would know that God was with him.
God obliged Gideon rather than chastising him for his questioning. And so Gideon put together a big army to fight the Midianites. But God told him the army was too big. God wanted to be sure that the people knew that God alone was responsible for the victory. So, he gave Gideon directions on how many men to send away. Gideon was left with only 300 men to fight the Midianites, but by following God's directions -- God's army chased the Midianites out of their country. God had kept his promise, and he let Gideon win the battle. But they gave glory to God -- THE ISRAELITES PRAISED GOD!!!
Now what does this have to do with me or my 2 sickly friends or you or anyone? Well, it gives me comfort. I realize with this story, God uses the weak, the shy, the unimportant, the unlikely. God doesn't get mad when we question his plan. God rewards our obedience to His plan, which He understands is hard when we "don't get it!" And finally, God delights in using the weak, the physically disabled, the "messed up," because then we know the truth. I cannot be responsible for this. Anything good in my life, anything that I do that blesses others -- is all God, not me!
I hope that brings you comfort too! I delight in an all-powerful God who rules over armies of angels, but still can use little old me to do his glorious plans!
Much Love...
A Saturday in the Life of the Blands ...
Hi Friends!
This is a day in the life of our family. Today is a Saturday, and I am proud of myself because I got my gardening project done. It may not look like a lot -- BUT, see pictures above. I had to pull out all of the old dead flowers, pour in a bag of new soil (very heavy), plant the new plants, and cover with the beautiful red bark. And then of course, clean up the huge mess I'd made. Molly, Nate, and Isaac all came out to help me -- some helped more than others. Bill was concerned about me being outside today as it's 90 degrees. So, I tried not to stay out too long. But I was impressed with my stamina. A year ago I couldn't even shower without getting exhausted. So, having the energy to plan, buy supplies, and carry out this type of project was a big deal for me. The only problem is -- now I'm itching to do 2 other larger flower beds in the front yard. I'm planning to plant roses and daisies. But, I have to control myself and divide the big projects into smaller, more doable sections.
I also included a picture of orange poppies that we picked at the park this week. They're my favorite color and always make me so happy. I have since found out that since they are the state flower, they are illegal to pick. So, I guess I've been getting away with my life of crime so far.
The snail is a new pet that Nate and Isaac found while we were gardening. They named him Gary after Sponge Bob's pet snail and rehomed him to a plastic container new habitat. I just hope he can survive all their love and care! Perhaps after a few days I can convince them to release him back into the wild.
So, everyone is up to something today as you can see by the pictures. Molly is swimming, and Cameron is eating. He is supposed to cut the grass today. It's his Saturday chore. But he's decided to do it tonight after church since it's so hot. Nate, Isaac, and Bill are still doing demo in our backyard in order to make a place for the hot tub. Isaac just came running in all excited, saying -- "We get to knock down a brick wall...really...Dad says it's OK!" They're having a great time, and I can't wait to see the finished project. I'm really looking forward to soaking in the hot tub while the kids swim in the pool this summer.
Other than that we are planning to go to church tonight at 5:30. That tends to work better than getting us all up and ready on Sunday mornings. It's honestly mostly me with the waking up problems! The only issue with Saturday church is that you all have to stop what you're doing in time to get ready and go to church. And we get home late -- so that makes for a late dinner. But tonight I have left-over nachos -- not the best for Bill, but the kids loved them yesterday.
Speaking of Bill, he received a call from his cardiologist yesterday. He didn't like some of his lab results, so he needs to come back on Monday for yet more testing. Hopefully, we'll get his health under control soon!
Much Love,
Hi Friends!
Well, it was our last official day of Spring Break today, so I had my last chance to sleep in. I slept until almost noon when Isaac informed me it was time to get up and make chocolate sundaes. We had bought the ingredients at Smart and Final last night -- vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and whipped topping. And he was excited to make them! So, I got up and made the kids lunch (hot dogs) and the sundaes for dessert. Then we spent the afternoon working around the house -- specifically we tidied up the kids' rooms. I had let them go all week in the name of Spring Break fun, so it took most of the day just to find their floors -- especially in the boys' rooms. Not that we were moving that fast, but we got it done.
By the time we finished that, it was dinner time. I impressed my kids by serving nachos, which were apparently "as good as Del Taco's" -- definitely a compliment from my kids! At 7 p.m. tonight we had Bible Study at our house. We are doing a study on "Waking the Dead" by John Eldredge. The idea is of having the glory of a heart fully alive for Jesus. It's a great book and Bill is doing a great job leading the study. We were largely talking about spiritual warfare today, as well as healing your hurting heart and recognizing that God made it good. So, we had some interesting and enlightening discussion and prayer. I definitely recommend the book!
After everyone left at around 10 p.m., I vegged out and watched TV. Nate and Isaac joined me to snuggle on the sofa and fell asleep. I'm going to head off to bed as it's getting late. I bought some new flowers, dirt, and mulch to plant tomorrow in the front flower beds. I'm looking forward to doing that, and several of the kids are already volunteering to help me.
Much Love,
Well, it was our last official day of Spring Break today, so I had my last chance to sleep in. I slept until almost noon when Isaac informed me it was time to get up and make chocolate sundaes. We had bought the ingredients at Smart and Final last night -- vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and whipped topping. And he was excited to make them! So, I got up and made the kids lunch (hot dogs) and the sundaes for dessert. Then we spent the afternoon working around the house -- specifically we tidied up the kids' rooms. I had let them go all week in the name of Spring Break fun, so it took most of the day just to find their floors -- especially in the boys' rooms. Not that we were moving that fast, but we got it done.
By the time we finished that, it was dinner time. I impressed my kids by serving nachos, which were apparently "as good as Del Taco's" -- definitely a compliment from my kids! At 7 p.m. tonight we had Bible Study at our house. We are doing a study on "Waking the Dead" by John Eldredge. The idea is of having the glory of a heart fully alive for Jesus. It's a great book and Bill is doing a great job leading the study. We were largely talking about spiritual warfare today, as well as healing your hurting heart and recognizing that God made it good. So, we had some interesting and enlightening discussion and prayer. I definitely recommend the book!
After everyone left at around 10 p.m., I vegged out and watched TV. Nate and Isaac joined me to snuggle on the sofa and fell asleep. I'm going to head off to bed as it's getting late. I bought some new flowers, dirt, and mulch to plant tomorrow in the front flower beds. I'm looking forward to doing that, and several of the kids are already volunteering to help me.
Much Love,
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Hi Friends!
These are pictures of us taken today at Soup Plantation -- a restaurant in Camarillo. We spent our day visiting Bill at work. We saw his new offfice and the "top secret" lab. We'd tell you about it, but we were sworn to secrecy in the interest of national security! Then we went out for lunch. As you can see we all had a good time. Nate took most of the pictures, and I thought he really got some cute ones of the kids.
Other than that we haven't done much else today. I had trouble sleeping last night (even after taking a sleeping pill), so I didn't fall asleep until around 3 a.m. By the time I got moving today it was time to leave for Pt. Mugu. It takes about 45 minutes to get there. We arrived back home around 4:30 p.m., and I had to take a nap because I was so exhausted. I just woke up and am planning to do a few things around the house before dinner. I am thankful that I put dinner in the crockpot this morning before we left -- because now it is smelling good and almost done.
I am hoping to walk with Bill tonight after dinner. We'll see if I can convince him. Tomorrow is his day off. We also have Bible Study at our house tomorrow. And since I didn't get the kids back in time for haircuts with Shirlene today -- we'll have to try to do it tomorrow.
This weekend is shaping up to be busy too. I am hoping to plant some new flowers in the front yard, and Bill is wanting to work more on his hot tub project. Also, he and Cam are signed up for another long Boy Scout bike ride this Sunday. They are going to ride bikes in the LA marathon this year, so they are preparing for that! I think it will be a great experience for Cam and great exercise for Bill, so it should work out well all around.
More on that later...
Much Love,
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