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Monday, March 23, 2009


Hi Friends!

Today was a busy day, but I'm going to quickly blog while our pizza finishes cooking in the oven. Bill had more testing at the cardiologist today. They found plaque in his right carotid, which puts him at increased risk for stroke and heart attack. Also his trigylcerides are too high and his good cholesterol is too low. So, he'll be starting some new meds and changing his diet and exercise habits. He has a bit more testing to do. So, it's not good news, but at least we now know what we're dealing with. And I really like his cardiologist -- I think he'll do a great job managing Bill's care because he's very dedicated.

Other than that -- it was a running day. We took Bill's car back to the dealership. When they fixed it, they disconnected the turn signals -- so they need to go back in and change that. And when we drove the car to the dealership and parked it -- the mechanic couldn't start it. So, I guess it's not fixed after all. At least it broke down there.

I also had to take Molly in for her final orthodontic Xray, which was in Thousand Oaks. And Cameron had a tour of city hall for Boy Scouts. I dropped him off there at 5 p.m., and Bill is now picking him up after work. After dinner, we need to clear a path in the kids' rooms so that the maids can clean tomorrow. It's funny when you have to clean for the cleaners.

More tomorrow ....

Much Love,

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